Hi I don't know what to do anymore it's like when I'm all alone at night and all I do is cry to sleep and I know I have problems and that but I don't know what to do anymore I'm scared to go gp I have no one
Why: Hi I don't know what to do anymore... - Mental Health Sup...

Hi jorna sorry to see you having such trouble the crying. Can be a sign of lonelyness or a sign of depression have you asked your doctors help?
Please don't cry yourself to sleep. If you are lonely, perhaps there are some community group activities at a YMCA and/or local churches that you could participate in. Think about good things in your life at night before falling asleep. It may open you up to receiving more blessings, meeting new friends, etc. If you haven't been seen by a Doctor to evaluate you for depression, it might help to do so. Get some sunshine on a regular basis. That helps too.
Hi Jorna. I'm sorry that you're crying yourself to sleep at night.
What you need to do is devise a plan of action to tackle some of your problems. Is there anyone you trust enough to help you with this? The sooner you look at all options regarding your problems, the sooner you might just feel better.
You need to go to a GP. It's important. If you're in the UK, are there any help lines available to you? I believe the Samaritans is one option.
If you're all alone and lonely, then check out an app called MeetUp. It has a large array of groups based on personal interest. Hopefully, there will be a group in your area.
I don't know what else to suggest since your post doesn't tell me much. Please know that help is out there. You just need to reach out, so reach out and commit to getting better.
Best wishes 🌹
Hello jorna I felt the same six weeks ago knew there was a problem but refused to go doctors till I had a breakdown with my mum who basically forced me there but I'm so glad she did because since then things are slowly starting to get better I'm getting the help I very much needed, doctors will always be understanding and want to help take a friend or your parent if you feel it will help (it did for me) or even write it down to show them, you are never alone I promise there is a whole lot of people out there that will help, if you ever need to chat I'm here.
Wish you all the well xx
Life is possible and shit, hang on in there them feelings will go xxxxxwannie
hi jorna at least your here asking questions and that's the right start the next step is the doctors I was forced but its a start it takes time for correct prescription to work because they vary and it work go away completely but it will take the edge off especially when every minute feels like a lifetime loneliness isn't just an old age thing