Found out by pure accident today, the DWP lost an Upper Tribunal ruling regarding Mental Health and PIP at the end of last year. From what I can gather is; people with Mental Health issues who need help 'Planning and following a Journey' and or 'Going Out' can now get Enhanced Rate of Mobility; as the PIP form puts it, rather than the maximum Decision Markers 4 points.
Obviously, the any DWP Decision Maker will try their best not to award Mobility Higher Rate, but you can now challenge the DWP DM decision based on legal ruling by Upper Tribunal.
If disabled War Veterans and those disabled because of Military service are struggling with the DWP mentality and are regularly targeted by Maximus and Capita; the DWP lackies, with medical assessment to prove their physical and mental disabilities; then God Help those who have never served their Country as war veterans.
Never thought I would say it: 'A Country that shows no respect for its Veterans, or the disabled, isn't a Country or Society people should be proud of'.