So last year,i was a goal driven machine,constantly working out,waking up by a certain time making sure to eat every 3 hours,counting every calorie that i was eating,exercising every other day(4 days a week) doing kickboxing & brazillian Jiu Jitsu.
And it was like this for 10 months,i had tunnel vision,i had an objective,during that time made plans to go on holidays,etc,etc,but then Boom as you may know already my mood went to crap.
And the last 8/9 months were spent self loathing,self hating,self harming,self isolation,suicidal thought's,darkness just overtaken my mind(again),and during that time i could not be bothered to cook(still can't to a degree) so i have been living off of eating crap.
Eating when i eat,and not eating when i don't have time,or dont feel like eating basically.
Well the last month and a bit,i have been ok,my mood has changed from that dark period,and back into somewhat of a more lighter mood,granted i have spent more money then i ever antcipated in the last month,and now it's kind of playing on my mind of how much money i have spent now,although at the time i didn't really think much about it,again the impuslive urge to spend money just happens.
Anyway back on topic,last night my uncle who i have not seen in about 3 months or so,came down,and we was sitting there and he was like,"you are looking a little fuller,put weight back on have you" and i was like yeah i put 3(probably more) stone back on(out of 6 stone that i lost).
And his reaction was kind of that of shock,like how have you put so much weight back on,and i was like i just don't have time to eat.
I have put a front on for years in regards to what really is happening in my head,and if people(family) saw the scars on my arm's then obviously it would probably set alarm bells ringing for them.
I have hidden how dark my mood had got and how dark my mood can get,people who live around me could see that my mood was that of "grumpy,miserable,depressing,at times jekyll and hyde" but they don't know how low my mood's get,but they can see how my mood's swing back and fourth.
But again back on topic,after he said that,it has been playing on my mind all night,and all morning,and i don't know how i feel about it really,compared to if it was 3 months odd ago,i would of probably took it as a dagger into my chest.
But it has agitated me a little,but not to a crazy extent,just really hard to explain how i feel about it.