Looking for some advise i suffer deppresion and severe anger issues anger mainly in a morning when i am woke up and due to this i dont sleep but recently my moods have been getting worse has enyone eny advise
Advise: Looking for some advise i... - Mental Health Sup...
Do you take sleeping tablets? I find they alter my mood
If you're female you could try your local women's centre, sometimes they run sessions for anger, etc. Or speak to your doctor about this and see if they can point you in the right direction.
I speak from experience when I say this Anonamous22 If you remove yourself from the source of the anger then that in turn will help the depression. I agree with denvajade that medication can also contribute Ill feeling
Hi you don't say whether you are on any meds or doing any counselling. If you haven't already been to the doctors please go and get help. x
I am on anti depressants and sleeping tablets i dont go to counselling but have made a self referal today see how that go's
Anger is a very intense emotion and if you like me, can become your natural reaction to many situations. I am afraid there is no quick fix and it is only you who can change this reaction.. my advice is you must identify why you get angry and why do you think things are getting worse. You can use what is know as a thought record sheet and list the following; what situation caused you to get angry/ the trigger, what was on your mind at the time, how you felt physically and the outcome. You then can identify the situation by challenging how you felt and what you did, replace those negative thoughts and feelings each time I start to get drawn into the same angry pattern and you will be able to change how you feel. It's not a five minute solution and takes a lot of work on your behalf but we all have it in us to do it. Also learn a few relaxation techniques like meditation, visualisation and breathing, it will help in those angry times . The other main thing is that remember it is ok to feel a little angry as long as it does not control you or if you aim to hurt anyone. Best wishes
I feel anger issues as well ,due to not being able to sleep. I have been on antidepressants for a number of years ,but what I find is that whenever the Summer ends I feel terrible
You could make an appointment and ask for an Anger Management Course, that may help you. Whatever you decide I would recommend that you talk to your GP and work out why you are suffering from Anger
I used to get really ratty because of family problems to know the reasons will help you begin to control these negative feelings