I can't do this anymore
I'm so sorry: I can't do this anymore - Mental Health Sup...
I'm so sorry
Yes you can do it. It's only your first week back so you must be exhausted and overwhelmed. You have the weekend and bank holiday to recover a bit, so some rest should make you feel a lot better. Please don't give up hope as we all have very bad spells in our lives where we want to give up and just let go, but we don't somehow. Accept that life is sometimes a real struggle and you don't think you are going to make it, but if you hang on and perservere then you do. Then before you know it you realise things have improved. This will happen for you so hold on to hope please. x
Lauren, thinking of you. Yes please try and hold on and get some rest. Write when you want/can. Gemma x
Hi I've just seen your post. I don't know who you are or what's happened but well done for reaching out. I've just had a quick skim of your profile and I can see you're a strong person - but I wanted to write to you before looking on your profile in detail.
I wish I knew what to say to make it better for you. All I can think of is that however bad it may seem: one day you, and everyone else, will be gone and our suffering will have ended - it will be over. You're not subjected to this suffering forever.
With that in mind, try to find something positive while you are alive - even if it's only a little thing, like the sounds of birds singing. Would they not be worth staying even just extra day for?
I know none of us can stop you if it's what you've decided, but just remember that for as long as you're alive, there will always be hope that you can find happiness. However tiny that hope is, it's precious and nothing can take it away. But if you end it, that hope will diminish altogether - and it's irretrievable.
If you decide to end it: that's it, it can't be undone. But if you decide to stay an extra day, and maybe an extra day after that, you're still not ruling out the possibility of ending it (which is inevitable for all of us anyway). People can find joy and co exist with the most excruciating pain; moreover, pain can help us to realise what's important to us.
You're a beautiful, strong, unique person; there will be never be another you. You deserve your chance at happiness.
Just think about it.
P.S. If you decide to carry on, please keep posting. We are here for you.
Just want to say your wise words are very profound and helpful thank-you, as lot of the time I struggle to carry on. I'm extremely alone in my thoughts and would just like it gone!!! I think of ending it all but carry on with the fight, and it's an endless strain on my nerves and daily existence. I look forward to death, but hopeful things may? Change one day? So for now I'm still here, a broken person doing the very best I can. Thanks again.
Wanderingwallflower great to see you're still around and also although I know these words were meant to help Lauren thank you so much for posting up as it has helped me and I can really relate to what you are saying. You are right; it will all come to an end ( sooner rather than later probably in my case as I'm quite a bit older than you ) ; we just need to ride it out and find some good things to hold onto in the meantime. That is the only way I can create any sort of meaning at all in my life. So thanks and good to hear from you. gemma
You must not give in no matter what has happened you must keep going, set yourself a goal and move towards it. Find a hobby that gives your mind something else to focus on its working for me so give it a try.