As many of you know was recalled after breast screening. After many tests now been told I have to lose my breast. Shocking news many options to consider for reconstruction. I'm seeing the plastic surgeon to discuss these in Friday. On the 14th I'm going in for an operation to remove some of the lymph nodes to see if the cancer has spread. That will determine if immediate reconstruction is possible or if I have to wait. It's a complete mind fuk at the mo on top of my clinical depression. Trying to stay strong x
Update on my cancer: As many of you... - Mental Health Sup...
Update on my cancer

Hi Obrien , I'm really sorry to hear about your Cancer diagnosis, it must be
Very hard. My younger sister had breast cancer 10 years ago and she made
A great recovery. The medical stuff is improving all the time. I wish you the best
Of luck on Friday and try and just concentrate on getting through it.
You will be in my thoughts and prayers, please let us know how it goes. have good family support, as that will be a help too O Brien I'm not sure how I would feel myself, but I have had a cancer scare years ago and as a result had to have
Hysterectomy and ovaries removed at 36. Funny enough my Depression seemed
To lessen then.
Please look after yourself and feel free to get In touch by message if you want
A chat.
Warm hugs to you.
Hannah xx
Good luck for Friday,
I have known several people who have been introduced to the same pathway that you will suffer. One had one breast off and the other elected to have both removed to get rid of the worry that the cancer may return, She is now in Her eighties and is as fit as a lop.
All I can really suggest is be brave, listen to any options they may suggest and keep a positive attitude to the fact all will go well and put it down to a learning experience that you are going to get through and recover from
Keep us informed. If you need a chat you know were we all are
Thank you it's good to talk with other people rather than family as they get very emotional and make me cry. xx
Oh how awful for you and I am so sorry you will have to go through this. It's the one every woman dreads isn't it? Thank goodness for reconstructions these days. Take care. Bev x

Thanks Bev I'm still kinda in shock it was only found as I was invited for breast screening as over 50. On the one hand I wish I'd never had the screening on the other I'm glad I did as its early stage x
Yes I go for those as well. I hate going but make myself coz you have to to don't you?
It's awful you have this but great it's been found at such an early stage when it is eminently curable. Far too many women in the past didn't have the screening option we do now and far too many of them weren't diagnosed until late stage when their prognosis wasn't good.
I can totally understand your shock though as anything to do with the big C is horrifying. Thank goodness you went for your screening!
You will deal with this love as you are strong and we are all here for you anytime. Bev xx

It really sucks been in a relationship for 2 years now with man of my dreams. I'm trying to get him to talk about it as it affects him too but he won't. Twice now I gave given him a get out of jail card but he's still here xx
We both dated a long time and finally met and fell in love. I don't think it's fair of me to drag him through this hell. He deserves so much better
may i say i will pray for you cancer is one of those that you would have thought they have a cure for please keep in touch i hope all goes well for you kind regards. bigalan
Thank you x
Best wishes and lots of hugs Regards Lorna.
Hi Obrien Cancer is a horrible thing so I wish you all the best and hope that you will pull through and get back onto your feet as soon as possible. I will look out for your posts in the future so I can see how you are getting on. My thoughts go wit you.
My thoughts are with you obrien.