i have been on paroxetine now for so many years it part of my daily routine .. but last October i began to think 'is this tablet making me worse .. the thought has stayed with me and 3 weeks ago i went from 30mg a day to 20 mg a day .At first i could not sleep and had vivid nightmares . lack of empathy and a floods of memories i did not want to remember .. but on the plus side the thoughts and memories are pushed aside by me ..i tell them to stop and they stop ..i know i have along way to go and will have set backs but i am such the evil tablet is partly to blame .. already i find my thinking is more clear. i move around more than i used to .but there are still many hills to climb ....in a week i will go to 10 mg per day as you can see i am doing it very slowly
I will keep you informed of any side effects i feel as time goes by ..but i will come off those tablets