I have a sickness meeting at work tomorrow and already I can feel my anxiety starting. I don't know if I am ready to have this meeting.I feel sick and frightened of having a panic attack.I can not sleep getting fed up of been like this now.I am always ringing GP think even they don't know what to do with me.
I don't know what to do.: I have a... - Mental Health Sup...
I don't know what to do.

Try not to get stressed today, I know easier said than done! Look them in the eye and think of something really funny. Remember anxiety is only anger internalised. Think of how good you will feel when it's all over, another step closer to your recovery! Good luck let me know how you get on.
Taking someone with you is a big plus. My daughter took her brother to a meeting where she knew she was going to be forced to go down to part time. She said it made a huge difference from the previous one where she just cried and didn't ask any relevant questions. Be prepared for the worst case scenario but write down any points you want to make and any questions that should be asked.
Rescue remedy drops (Boots) can make a difference between tears and hysteria !
I hope the meeting goes well for you. x
I know that it will be over by now and I suspect that it wasn't as bad as you thought. The other comments were valid and sensible I would have added to take at least 10 deep breathes exhaling slowly before going in as it relaxes you therefore has a calming effect.
Please let us know how you got on xxx Dens
hi there I've just that must be scary to think that you get like this i'm not sure what you do the only way that i can think of his to carry a paper bag with you and try to control your breathing i know its hard but if you can try not to think about the meetings you go to but, by trying to control your breathing is the only way for you to stop you having hysteria attacks which brings on panic attacks. hope this helps please let me know how you go on. take care hope this helps
Thank you everybody I did have panic attack and cried but they was very good to me.