So....: Who remembers Victor Borga... - Mental Health Sup...

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CarolineLondon profile image
13 Replies

Who remembers Victor Borga.....

When he was a teenager he went to the family hairdresser across the road.

He asked the Barber :

"Mr Schartz would you be kind enough to cut my hair shorter on one side than the other, then would you be kind enough to make 3 or 4 holes" * and he taps the crown of his head in 3 places* in different places and maybe leave some tuffs sticking out, lastly in at the back just do zig zag.

Mr Schwartz said: "Victor you know I cannot do that"

to which Victor replied: "but Mr Schwartz you did it last time" :-)

I hope this translates ok, told it to a friend and we cried laughing, small things eh, small things.

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CarolineLondon profile image
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13 Replies
hamble99b profile image


I remember him :D He used to re-tell "the 3 bears" but added 1 to every number - "twice upon a time, there where 4 bears..." - wonder if he's on youtube?

thanks for reminding me Caroline :)

CarolineLondon profile image
CarolineLondon in reply to hamble99b

Ha ha Im going to check that out sounds hillarious. I love old comics Im going to post another favourite inspired by you. Now if this doesnt make you laugh I'll be surprised :-) Bob Newhart....bring it on....

21esme profile image

Thanks Caroline,

Hope you are doing okay. How is the course going?

Sarah x

CarolineLondon profile image
CarolineLondon in reply to 21esme


Well Im working hard but not hard enough, I'm trying to make up for years of neglect. The last two days I had a meltdown and did nothing! I think my brain needed a My best friend said the same and we came to the conclusion it was something to do with Spring and adjusting to the seasons. When I say meltdown I mean the old noggin got over loaded, I wasn't in a bad space emotionally.

I have just come out of a relationship and though I have my moments I feel surprisingly resilient, happy even. School takes up all my time and energy and is a God send. I find I'm making new friends and though as I said I have my down times Im doing okay. Thank you so much for asking.

How are you Sarah? Come on send me a funny ...well if you feel like it.

Oh Oh and on radio 4 there is a programme about treating PTSD with a new drug which makes you forget the incident. Apparently they tried it on mice and it worked, I didnt know mice had PTSD, maybe something to do with all the cheese being on the Moon! I can see how that is stressful, Im partial to a bit of Blue Cheese myself. :-)


21esme profile image
21esme in reply to CarolineLondon

Sometimes you need a break- I bet, like me, you get absorbed in the course and exclude all else. Good that you have a close friend who understands.

Ahh boyfriends - can't live with them and can't poison them and bury them under the spring bulbs.

Oh and it's Mother's Day as well. I'm trying to summon up the courage to ring mine. I know it sounds awful but I can't bear her negativity..... It brIngs me down.

I can't think of a funny. Although I have got a kazoo from going to see 'I'm sorry I havent a clue' last month so I'll give you a tune on that and you'll have to guess the song. Toot tooooot toot toot,

Sarah x

CarolineLondon profile image
CarolineLondon in reply to 21esme

No way you got to go to 'Im sorry I havent a clue!' WOW, I think that makes you famous by proxy. I am jealous!

Love the bit about the BF, I always used to ask new BFs if the Ex was under the Yeah what happened to untraceable poison eh, born in the wrong era. Actually luckily for me Im moving into the non plussed stage of the break up.

Sarah we maybe the same person! I too am too frightened to ring the mother! Luckily for me my suck up of a brother is taking her out to lunch. He does nothing for the whole year but this entitles him to be the golden boy.... ha ha. No believe me I am not jealous,

he is welcome.

I always thought it would be fun if a Kayak could double up as a Kazoo, I'm sure with a couple of holes in the front and back it would be possible and think how tuneful it would be :-) We could sell to the Dragons Den End up on X factor. On second thoughts maybe not, I cant spare the time :-)


21esme profile image
21esme in reply to CarolineLondon

I'm not sure how portable it would be either. You'd also need to blow really really hard to get a tune. Where would you sell it? Not many sports slash music shops around.......

CarolineLondon profile image
CarolineLondon in reply to 21esme

Im so pleased Sarah you are taking my invention seriously XX

Photogeek profile image
Photogeek in reply to 21esme

Hi Sarah hope your doing ok, I'm good and just

Relaxing now with radios and papers.

Sarah Spring is really showing it's green shoots and

I love it. Ah I can't wait for Summer and stuff. Talk

Soon. Oh that's so sad about your Mother, mine was

A very can do positive type and She's dead ten years

In May and I miss her as she was fantastic. But I

Realise that not everyone has that kind of relationship

And that I was lucky.

Oh she had her faults for sure but I was quite easygoing

And was able to close my eyes to her faults as her

Good nature and stuff made up for it.

Sarah you have a good day and love to Oscar.

Hannah xx

21esme profile image
21esme in reply to Photogeek

Ahh Hannah, pleased you are having a relaxing day. I've just got in from a rainy walk with Oscar and Larry. Cup of tea and digestive for me and Oscar.

Lovely that you had a good relationship with your Mum. It is beautiful to hear you call her fantastic. Really lovely. I'm very easy going too and that means that I can let a lot of things go when really I shouldn't put up with them as they end up grinding you down.

Hannah give Luna a cuddle from me,

Sarah xx

Photogeek profile image

Hi Caroline thanks for the Comedy bits, Ah humour we need it. I'm glad

That you are in good form and working er! Enjoying your studies. They are

A great diversion too in times of trouble . I'm glad that you are doing ok

After or Post BF , I once read a ' A woman needs a man like a fish needs

A bicycle'. But no I love men and people are different and all sorts

Of people are driven by different things. So I guess it's a matter of

Getting someone who gets you and you have fun and respect each other.

Ah Caroline I am glad your ok and I really enjoy your funny posts.

I find that now there is not enough comedy on TV.

I was out for a breakfast with a friend and am just home pottering about ,

Ok talk later

Hannah xx

CarolineLondon profile image

You're so right, its not that there isnt comedy but its so samey....aahhhh. Im okay pleased you are too. Im also pleased someone had a lovely mummy I was starting to lose hope of ever hearing


DeadHeart profile image

I remember him on TV and he was one of my favourite comedians as a child- being a musician certainly helped him in getting his humour to appeal to many people! There are some great YouTube vids of him too. Still makes me laugh. :-)

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