Feeling really, really, shitty. - Mental Health Sup...

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Feeling really, really, shitty.

Humphrey42 profile image
10 Replies

God I want to die.

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Humphrey42 profile image
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10 Replies
Suzie40 profile image

That's an awful feeling and one that lots of us here understand. Do you want to say a bit more about what might be making you feel like this?

I am sorry you feel so bad. I echo what Lucy said. Just one thing can you watch your language please as I hate swearing on the site and think it is very disrespectful Bev x

keepingstep profile image

What can you do to get out of the mood you are in? Do something unique and invigorating. Smile at people you meet...it is contagious. They will smile back and soon you won't feel so isolated. Try it.... :)

At times like these you need to focus on one moment at a time and get through that. See that as an achievement and a small victory against those terrible feelings. It is very small steps at first then slowly you can look to increasing what you do. Try & be as kind as you can to yourself & think what you would say to someone else in your position. When you can, start to focus on what has helped you in the past to feel brighter and to lift your mood.

There are so many of us who know what it feels like to be in your position. Hang on in there as the clouds will part and brighter times will follow.

Take care.


21esme profile image

Sorry you are feeling like this Humphrey. What is the worst thing at the moment? Is it loneliness or feeling as though there is nothing to live for? Humphrey, I know you don't like your job or have a girlfriend but this could change. Both my parents remarried happily in their 50's to other people. You could see a new job next week. All I'm saying is you are only 44 years old. Anything could happen. I'm never sure if you are getting help from your GP but you need to talk to someone,


Humphrey42 profile image
Humphrey42 in reply to 21esme

I have previously been on anti- depressants. I'm not currently seeing a GP. It's both. Feeling a little better. Walked to the shop and back again in the sun this morning. Sunday is a terribly boring day. Thanks for replying.

alamagoosa profile image

I do too. I just put it off till tomorrow. and it has kept me alive for 40 years. But I know how you feel. All I can say is i can identify with you. So at least you know i feel that way too. You are very honest. Thanks for telling the truth and not sugar coating it. Some people pretend.

HairDetanglers profile image

You shall not die, but live to declare the love and glory of God.

God sent Jesus Christ for us to show us that no matter if your feelings are drowning in pain or sorrow about life, if things are dead in your life, environment, work, with family, or friends- THEY CAN BE RESURRECTED TO LIFE AGAIN.

Nothing and no situation is permanent in this world. You can have joy, and victory over all your challenges. Life is filled with ups and downs-but you can get through them all day by day with Gods love. It's here for you....Just ask for it!

Ask God to help you live the life he destined you to live. He's waiting on you now!

Jesus has already laid his life down for you to live a full, and abundant life.......Its in the Bible. Read John 10: vs 10-11.

This world needs your special and unique gifts/talents. Our life experiences are what truly makes the world go around....

Hello Humphrey

If I remember you have gone through a rough time and this time of year really does not help. Many people will relate to you and life can be very cruel and lonely.

When I was feeling so negative with my feelings I would try and find a distraction that would allow me a to have a rest from my negative thoughts.

At this time I do not know what has brought this back on and so it is hard for me to suggest some way forward.

Today our next door was feeling sad because it was a year since Her Husband died of Cancer, they had just moved up here to retire and they had thought His condition had gone into remission it was such a shock when it arose its ugly head once more. So we had a mince pie tasting to lighten the mood and played with her new puppy of twelve weeks. She bless her keeps the mistress busy so I suppose she was lifting when we left.

All I can say is try and look for a diversion,wishing for death just does not hit the mark with me as I have now tried that course on several occasions now.

When we get older we have other problems that knock on our door, with me I have been falling down quiet a lot recently and with the frost and snow on the Border I am frightened to go out. Today Hazel fell and walloped Her head on the concrete pathway so we are sitting looking sorry for ourselves as we have not been able to take Pax out for His long walk, so He will be reporting the both of us to the RSPCA.

Humphrey, live for the day and let the future lead you to better things.


artisticfire profile image

You know what Humphrey? I'm right there with you right now, so I currently don't have a positive answer. It's all I can do to fight suicide everyday. I don't know why we have to go through this misery, and I don't know why so many of us don't have any help. Seems completely useless. Then it totally blows my mind to see some people glide through life and not have a clue on depression. And finally, the words that come out of their mouths show us just how much time they DON'T have for our pain. I just don't get it! And I personally do not want to be here anymore and wonder how much more I have to take before I call it quits. Life really sucks for some of us. But keep talking on here, it is a pretty understandable community here. They seem to have heart, which most of the world lacks.

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