In or Out of Scotland...come on lets ... - Mental Health Sup...

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In or Out of Scotland...come on lets get this over with! Leave it up to the politicians we will be here all week! :-)

CarolineLondon profile image
10 Replies

Okay so 'In' I presume means we get to keep Porridge and a reasonable price but 'Out' could lead to over inflated porridge?

'In' Means we get to keep Rab C. Nesbit and Out means we don't have to have Mel Gibbson ever again :-)

'In' means we get to keep Robert Burns as you know after 100 years he's copyright free and 'Out' means all Scots HAVE to speak Scottish and wear a kilt at all times, even if its cold up the


Now am I the only one who gets 'In' and 'Out' Confused because they keep talking about Yes and No!!!

I mean Yes to in or out, No to in or out, who suspects much like me that people will vote the wrong way merely because they are confused which is Yes and which is No, when they put their sharpened pencil to paper. Without wanting to be harsh we love Father Ted because everyone knows someone like Dougal, and which of us isn't like Homer Simpson! Doh

Lastly is this all starting to feel a bit hokey cokey to you?!!

Yes I KNOW this is the wrong place to talk about this but until they give me my own forum you have to put up with me, or I may go into a spin and then you'd feel just awful, well I mean you might :-) Why take the risk!

SO ...IN or OUT...YES or No and who knows the bloomin difference!

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CarolineLondon profile image
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10 Replies
pixiedixie profile image

The price of porridge is of immense importance to this ongoing saga. Forget oil, forget tartan taxes, or even tartan taxis, it'll all come down on the need of the people to have the ability to consume their porridge! Edinburgh Castle will crumble if the Scots don't have their oats LOL then what'll happen to the pipers? This living on the knives edge is a killer x

CarolineLondon profile image
CarolineLondon in reply to pixiedixie

LOL... Thats hilarious Pixie what a razor sharp wit you have :-) Made me laugh out loud, thanks.

Should it be of some concern that they may all have to end up in electric cars, sharing one car to every 5 families in the street?!

So I take it that's a Yes/No from you then :-)


Suzie40 profile image

Well I'm glad I live in Wales. Nobody is interested down here!

CarolineLondon profile image
CarolineLondon in reply to Suzie40

Unfortunately it isnt down to us, I for one wouldn't want to lose our friends across the border, Im merely playing what if :-)

Suzie40 profile image
Suzie40 in reply to CarolineLondon

I didn't mean I'm not interested in your post! I mean people in Wales don't have any interest in the outcome in general. I don't really understand the implications of it if I'm being honest! X

CarolineLondon profile image

Well Lucy once upon a time the Welsh were great allies of the Scots, you'll remember the battle of 937 when Constantine III, King of the Scots, formed an alliance with the Welsh, Vikings, and Norse Irish rulers in Ireland. It was in all the newspapers, The Sun, The Mirror, The Daily Sport. Their purpose being to conquor England and gain permanent occupation!

Aethelstan King of England confronted them at the battle of Brunanburgh ( in Yorkshire), winning the battle and scattering the invading armies, forcing the survivors back to their original kingdoms.

Then later they joined forces against Cromwell.

And I think there was also an Alliance when it came to the qualification of Welsh Cakes in the 1960s and some query about Burton versus Hopkins, no wait they are both Welsh. Well anyway your all Celts I think? Inextricably linked!

So wave that leek and point to who is right Lucy!

:-) X

Catmag profile image

Hi all,

Well I do live in Scotland, so I will be voting. But I am voting for the 'Better together' campaign, which is the no vote. I am a little worried tho' that the visit today by David Cameron & George Osborne will give the Independance (Yes) campaign a positive surge in the polls. They are as popular as.......actually I can't think of a suitable example - well let's just say they're not at all popular up here.

Not sure if I will be cheering or crying next Friday. May need some of your wacky humour!


CarolineLondon profile image
CarolineLondon in reply to Catmag

It's all truly awful, I can understand the patriotism of the Scots and just listened to some very seductive answers for a' yes' vote to split from England on radio 4.

However my problems are these months ago some lord or other said if Scotland split and then , I dont know 10 /20 years down the line it was deemed as a failure they wanted to re-join it would cost literally Billions, it will cost millions to split but even more to rejoin. He also explained that no one has discussed or come up with an exit strategy in that eventuality.

This vote seem to come on the back of perceived bad 'English' political judgements but it seems to me the Scots are missing the point....ALL governments are rubbish, none of them listen and local councils are a law unto themselves, Id go to far as to call 'the councils' lawless! No one seems able to tell them what to do. So Scots or English government we all end up in the mire sooner or later.

Lastly and for me this is the biggest issue which NO ONE is discussing, gone are the days when Britain can sit pretty alone on the world stage, we are not a super power anymore. As the US and Russia fight, the real money and power is with the Chinese and their human rights record is truly appalling (thats a historical fact). As with all these things the normal Chinese man in the street maybe wonderful but his government is an unknown quantity. To my mind now isn't a time to split, much as Im loathed to admit it, we now really even need to be a part of Europe, without really unity, well we are at the whim of the political bullies.

Do I think Scotland can survive by itself, Im sure it can, intelligent, resourceful people with a passion for life. However do I think we, all of us can survive on an international stage without a united front, not a hope. Things are changing and together we stand tall. I dont think it should be to our shame that we say we need the Scots and maybe there is an iota of them that needs us if they are honest.

You argue but we could unify at a point of war, but we will already be being perceived as being weak as having week links within Britian, an easy target if you like. The world is getting smaller and as we lose ground abroad I believe we need to be more sustainable and self sufficient at home and that I believe means a united front.

Anyway who cares what I think , I can't vote, but I must say I find this all heartbreaking both for us and for the Scots however the axe falls.

Catmag whatever you wish for yes or no on the day I hope it goes your way and you feel happy with the out come.

BIG KISS and LOTS and LOTS of Luck on this BIG adventure. Whatever choice you make whether you remain no or change and vote yes, yours will be the right choice for you and thats all you can do.

How do I think we should decide this? With a massive game of Bingo....eyes down for a full house :-)


Catmag profile image

Cheers Caroline,

Now all we can do is wait for the result. I won't be holding my breath tho'.

CarolineLondon profile image

No don't! Ive realised I do that ALOT, hold my breath I mean, then I realise Im not actually breathing! Doh. So Im trying to stop it! Not very Yogic is it :-)

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