Feel Good Friday!: Shamelessly swiping... - Mental Health Sup...

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Feel Good Friday!

CarmelaGrace profile image
21 Replies

Shamelessly swiping this from the Anxiety Support community....

My feel goods this week have been:

1) Sent off 2 job applications this week and mostly finished a 3rd one.

2) Did some more work on embroidered christening gift

3) Made a tomato risotto for dinner tonight that the WHOLE family liked (2 picky brothers in the house)

Have added image of embroidery so far.

So, what are your feel goods this week?

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CarmelaGrace profile image
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21 Replies
wallflower_fairy profile image

Hi I enjoyed this! :) Nice one. We should do a positive Friday every week on this community too ya know. I've been spending some quality time with my grandpa and we went out for lunch yesterday. :) I also got a nice new haircut on Monday. Me and my sister had a nice chat earlier today about the life, universe, and everything. :) Yep, I think that makes 3.


wallflower_fairy profile image

It's great embroidery by the way it must have taken ages. xx

CarmelaGrace profile image
CarmelaGrace in reply to wallflower_fairy

Thanks! The baby is now 6 months old so it has taken a while... ;) (not been working on it all the time though)

That sounds like some nice things this week. I like getting new haircuts too!

I should add that it doesn't need to be three things - can be however many you like

wallflower_fairy profile image
wallflower_fairy in reply to CarmelaGrace

Well it looks really good. :) And congratulations on the new addiction to the family.

Yes it's taken some adjusting to, but I think I prefer this look to the old one.

I know it doesn't need to be 3 things, it was just a happy coincidence that it's the same number as yours. :)


wanderingwallflower xx

Photogeek profile image

Great idea Carmella. Love the embroidery.

Not sure if I had a great week, as had a lot of pain with Arthritis flare up . Anyway

I will see what I can muster.

I took my friends 2 girls to Shopping mall today and they each got 3 items to wear,

I enjoyed it , even though I was tired. Hannah is thirteen and a half and

Rachel is 10.

Got my Art supplies out and did a little fun collage.

Realised that I have to listen to my body, and rest if I need to,

I always pushed myself but now. Realise that it's not helping

Me . So that was a good insight.

These don't exactly sparkle, but what the heck.

Hannah x

bepete profile image
bepete in reply to Photogeek

Looks like your having a hard time of it lately Hannah?.

Have you tried the living with anxiety site yet ?, there's lots of people you know on there.

Pete xxx.

Photogeek profile image
Photogeek in reply to bepete

Oh Pete thanks a million for that. Will Try that. How are you

Doing? Still Painting.


Hannah x

bepete profile image
bepete in reply to Photogeek

I'm having one of those strange days today !.

I didn't want to get up, but the dog woke me up yelping,so I let him out ,he had a very loose movement,, then came back in and was promptly sick all over the kitchen !.

Thats a very early post you did this morning Hannah.

I am still doing the art, .and I am getting excellent in my computer class, which finishes next week for the summer break, the art class the week after.

So I don't know what I am going to do after they finish, but I'm trying to think ahead to my future prospects as I will have to be getting back into the real world , of work an earning,once my foot is better ?.

I go back to see the doc at the end of July.

I am now walking with one walking stick and. can move about a little better, my spine is healed and straightened out, my therapist thinks I can manage without her now, because I have been getting more and more positive, I dont feel that way today though, even though it's bright and sunny out.

If it warms up a bit I might try a little artwork, and once I am able to drive again I will probably get more kit for my artwork, and spend some time at weekend's going to places like the lakes and Derbyshire etc, doing something of my own ?.

I think that might be the key to my depression and anxiety !.

To take more time out ?.

I have ten more years till I retire I think It's time to slow down more .

CarmelaGrace profile image
CarmelaGrace in reply to Photogeek

Thanks for replying, Hannah! I realise that people might not have much to feel good about, but I find it helps to celebrate any goal reached, or any creative or positive moment...if we don't, who will?

I love doing collage - I make birthday cards for family and friends, using a huge suitcase full of different papers and old books and stuff I've collected over the years. Everyone jokes that I never tear wrapping paper if I can help it! What kind of collage did you do?

LittleAine29 profile image

Good for you ! Your embroidery is beautiful, I do counted cross stitch when I am well enough, but you have to be in the right frame of mind to do it or it all goes wrong. I had a good day on Friday too. I managed to walk about half a mile to visit my friend's wee gift shop. I havn't been able to do this for many weeks as I have been diagnosed with AF which makes me very weak and breathless.

CarmelaGrace profile image
CarmelaGrace in reply to LittleAine29

thanks! I'm in awe of you being able to do cross-stitch...I'm too impatient for all that counting :) That's great that you managed to walk to your friend's shop. What kind of things does she sell?

LittleAine29 profile image
LittleAine29 in reply to CarmelaGrace

She sells all sorts of gifts, crystals, tarot cards, fairys, angels, unicorns,dragons, all kinds of magic things :) she also does the Avon book which I buy my make up, perfume and jewellery from. It's a great wee shop. I often pop in for a gossip when I'm down the street. I also go to a mental health drop in centre which is quite good as everyone has similar problems like depression, benefit worries, family issues etc. we talk it all through amongst ourselves and then nobody feels quite so alone with their problem :) We have each others mobile numbers too so that we can phone a friend on a bad day, if the centre is closed. We play scrabble and cards, the boys have a pool table set up in a back room. There is a craft afternoon when most people bring in their knitting and crochet. Some people are into making cards. We go on trips too sometimes. We have been to the local wildlife park and out dolphin spotting in a boat. 3 came right up close and rode the bow wave of the boat. It was awesome.

emily_taf profile image

that looks lovely, and it sounds like you had a very productive day, today I went to work in the shop 9-3 dropped of a rented dvd brought some loom bands and walked back home now time to take the dogs out and then sort the horses out and then tea and chill and make a loom bamd braclet :) xx

CarmelaGrace profile image
CarmelaGrace in reply to emily_taf

that sounds nice. I'm hoping to get some work I can do to fill the day and earn some money while searching for a 'proper' (career-based, degree-using) job. Dog walking and horses sound lovely - do you live in the country?

emily_taf profile image
emily_taf in reply to CarmelaGrace

yeah that sounds good, good luck in finding the job what degreedo you have if you dont mind me asking, yes I do sunny cornwall at the minute :)

LittleAine29 profile image
LittleAine29 in reply to emily_taf

Havn't tried loom bands yet, my friend has kits for them in her shop. I buy up old necklaces and beads in charity shops, break them up and randomly make bracelets with them on elastic thread. I sell them at car boot sales for £3 each :)

LittleAine29 profile image
LittleAine29 in reply to emily_taf

Having animals is good for the soul, I had horses too when I was young and fit. I have also had a few dogs. Just now I have 2 rescue cats. Smokey Mokey who is a blue grey and Frisky Whisky who is white with black bits.

:) X

Photogeek profile image
Photogeek in reply to LittleAine29

Hi Aine sounds like you are a very positive person. I am

A cat lover too, my rescue cat Luna is two now and a big furry bundle .

They are great, do you sell many bracelets? Well done for being

So creative. I like Art and different types of crafts too, I always

Feel better then too.

Nice talking to you

Hannah x

LittleAine29 profile image
LittleAine29 in reply to Photogeek

Luna sounds lovely, thank you for rescuing her :) Yes I do quite well with the bracelets and I give the money to our local Cats protection group. My friend Hillary runs this and sometimes has as many as 30 cats in her care :) she also runs a lost and found facebook page for local cats. We are both avid readers and swap cat and other books when they do a stall on our local village square, she is also on my facebook page and we share cat jokes, cartoons ect. X

Photogeek profile image
Photogeek in reply to emily_taf

Hi Emily

My friends two daughters love Loom bands too. They are fun


21esme profile image

Well done Carmela, lovely to hear about and see your positives!

Sarah x

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