I fully realised something tonight - Mental Health Sup...

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I fully realised something tonight

50 Replies

that those with depression are actually brighter than most people. Is this true? What do you all think? x

50 Replies

Yes, our brains are active, we think too much and any trauma affects our sensitivity.

Luckyring56 profile image

Yes definitely, my psychiatrist has said so too...that's those with severe depression that doesn't easily respond to medication - if at all! Mainly because we question the meds and most of them actually don't work and cause more side effects than they help us!

Read 'Cracked - why psychiatry is doing more harm than good' - it's true!




Colours23 profile image

Anyone can feel depressed...maybe it's just the people that say NO to these discusting drugs have more common sence,the others just rely on what medical people say and just take them,

in reply to Colours23

Yes - I agree absolutely. Once I learned about what had caused my depression and what meds do and cannot do I decided rather be depressed without meds than with them, so now I will only take the very lightest of doses - probably more as a placebo than anything, a kind of reassurance that I could take more if I needed to. I find I am realising that what I always called depression is in fact a very deep SADNESS about life, at least about my life and the lives of many other people, and now I think it is right to be very sad about some things, because they are sad.

Photogeek profile image
Photogeek in reply to Colours23

Hi Colours . I haven't seen you posting before this. Looking at your other

Posts it would appear that you are very anti medication.

I make. An informed decision to take any medication and yes I do listen

To what a Dr. Says, they are qualified and have studied. I have a

Great relationship with my Doctor

Do you suffer from Depression? If so what has helped you?


Luckyring56 profile image
Luckyring56 in reply to Photogeek

Thanks Hannah,

Glad I'm not the only one who makes 'informed' decisions from professionals who have spent 7/10 years studying the subject.



in reply to Photogeek

I am the same Hannah. I have researched all the meds I take and understand what they do. I wouldn't take ad's unless I felt they were absolutely necessary and when there comes a time when I feel they have served their purpose I will stop them. x

Colours23 profile image
Colours23 in reply to Photogeek

Hi,yes I have experience depression,after awhile I got ill so I decided not to go there ,so with a lot of strong minded ness I fight it ,like I have to fight not being able to sleep and eat and walk like I used to before this copd. I am a great lover of nature outdoors,so the more natural the meds are the better for me,personal thing,I have done 2yr study on steroids and other powerful chemicals,so I know what's best for me,like we all get to know what inhalers ect.are best for us. Thanks.

Suzie40 profile image

Bit harsh?

Luckyring56 profile image
Luckyring56 in reply to Suzie40

Maybe Lucy but I object to being told by someone that can't even spell that I have no common sense because I am taking pills that I was given in the days before internet was available and that have caused me irreparable damage!

Suzie40 profile image
Suzie40 in reply to Luckyring56

She didn't say you didn't have any common sense. She had an opionion that wasn't directed at anyone x

Luckyring56 profile image
Luckyring56 in reply to Luckyring56

Hi Lucy,

Try reading 'Colours' post again and I think you will find that he/she DOES say that people that say 'no to these disgusting drugs have more common sense' thereby implying that if we trust our GPs and Specialists we are idiots!

Suzie40 profile image
Suzie40 in reply to Luckyring56

I actually agree with what you're saying, and I think Colours is possible being a little ignorant in her reply. However, she made the the comment as a general opinion and it wasn't directed at any one person. I think to criticise her spelling and be horrible to her is not in the spirit of the forum. I notice you have deleted your initial reply?

Luckyring56 profile image
Luckyring56 in reply to Suzie40

No, I didn't Lucy!

I assume the sites admin did which just goes to show that, even on here, we're not allowed freedom of speech!

Suzie40 profile image
Suzie40 in reply to Luckyring56

Isn't that what Colours was trying to have? X

Luckyring56 profile image
Luckyring56 in reply to Suzie40

Sure but colour seems to be allowed to say that anyone taking ADs has no common sense which it seems now that quite a few of us have found offensive so how come that post wasn't removed too?

Suzie40 profile image
Suzie40 in reply to Luckyring56

I think the difference is that her comment (albeit possibly a little ill considered), was not aimed at anyone in particular, and yours was. Anyway, it doesn't matter. How are you? X

Suzie40 profile image

Interesting question and one that I've also been thinking about recently. I always note the ability of people on this forum to write in such an articulate way. When I think about the depressed people I know, every one is intelligent. As colours says though, anyone can theoretically be depressed , but I think there's a definite correlation.

ThemysciraDrive profile image

I know I've read somewhere that there appears to be a greater prevalence of depression in both intelligent and creative people. Maybe it's because we see things differently?

in reply to ThemysciraDrive

There is a lot of research which shows a correlation between creativity and depression, and creative thinking tends to be lateral, seeing beyond the obvious. I suppose you could call that intelligent - but when I see people who are able to somewhat blindly get on with their lives without feeling about a lot of what goes on in society then I wonder who are the intelligent ones - after all, isn't it intelligent to be able to live life happily since we only get a short time to do so! I have a high IQ as may many other depressed people, but intelligence doesn't enable me to find a way to avoid becoming depressed so perhaps there are different kinds of intelligence as research suggests.

I agree with you Lorraine, that's how I read Colours post as well. I feel insulted by that reply. I think people with depression are generally brighter, but I guess there are exceptions to every rule! x

Suzie40 profile image
Suzie40 in reply to


gardengnome profile image

gosh what a heated debate..... Depression is an "equal opportunities condition" That is what I have found .

The debate about drugs is one that will run and run, especially by those not depressed enough to need their help in the first place, and tact is a surprisingly difficult skill .... And I'm speaking as someone who can do a good imitation of a bull-in-a-china-shop

Dotty12 profile image

Maybe the more articulate get diagnosed or self diagnose depression more and those who are less articulate somehow fall below the radar a bit more unless something else brings them to the attention of the medics.

I know that a great many creative people were found to have suffered depression, but that doesn't mean that the non-creative don't.

My GP treated me with such ineptitude when I told him I was depressed that I never went back to discuss it with him again and try to manage it myself. Perhaps that makes me less intelligent - not sure ;)

in reply to Dotty12

I agree that the more articulate we are the more likely we are to get a correct diagnose because there is plenty of evidence that the middle classes describe their symptoms more accurately then people with less education as we have a richer vocabulary - I am not being snobby, it is just a fact. The more words we have to choose from the more accurately we can say what kind of pain we feel, the more we can think and speak about how we feel.

I think we are not brighter but are more sensitive to many of the things that are going on in society because we think about them more. Many supposedly 'healthy' people ie those who live their lives without feeling depressed much of the time simply don't see what is happening around them or if they see then they choose not to know because it is more comfortable that way. Who was it that said Human beings can only bear so much reality - he was right. There are times when I am glad I am a very sensitive person because I can go to a concert and REALLY enjoy it - I mean LOVE the experience and feel alive in a way that I know some people never do. But then other times I feel so low that my life just feels meaningless which is something I know many of those who use the website feel. I think we have just been sensitised too early to feeling too strongly and in particular to feeling negative experiences strongly.

bepete profile image

I was first diagnosed with depression 2 years ago ,, took my pills and found they didn't suit me,,so came off them !

And now after my car accident ,I suffer post traumatic stress!.

This time around , I am trying the herbal method , plus the therapy which goes with my case.

And although limited to doing certain physical things,, I am doing ok !.

Its a personal choice,,,but it doesn't mean I wouldn't try the prescription methods If I was advised to take them.

I wouldn't describe myself as really intelligent ,

But I have had it said to me,,, don't think to much!!

Ruminate!! that's what we do.

pete x

Am surprised to see all the replies - I seem to have stirred up a bit of a hornets nest and I apologise. It wasn't my intention in putting this post on. It came from being out in my local pub for a late session last Friday night. Was having a chat with the landlord (just a jokey bantering chat) and he seems to think I am a bit stupid! He however thinks he knows everything. So I did a bit of (nice) winding up back and he couldn't take it. As I said to my friend he can give it but not take it. He agreed with me and said that there is no way I am stupid - quite the opposite. And I thought well if I want

to I know now which buttons to press, though I won't because I generally like him enough and don't want to fall out with him or anyone. It was just interesting realising that.

I wish I hadn't put it on now because of the fall out and I feel responsible for that. Don't any of us fall out with each other please as we all need the support and friendship of this great site. If you admins want me to take the post off I will of course.

Take care everyone xx

bepete profile image
bepete in reply to

Good one cough !

Like the bit about winding the land lord up ( you showed him)

Theres nothing wrong with your post by the way!!.

Suzie40 profile image

No, no, no! I think it's a very interesting discussion. I love a good debate about something, as long as it stays as a debate and not a mud sling. I wish people would post topics of conversation more often ...

I think it is a very reasonable thing to discuss and important as it gets us thinking about what makes people with depression feel they are different to other people. I do think we with depression are more sensitive in many ways but whether that is a form of intelligence even researchers have not decided! Still a good debate is always interesting and stops us thinking about ourselves morbidly, and that has to be good! Suexx

Colours23 profile image

Sorry if I afended anyone,my words written down look straight to the point,but my emotion is warm not harsh,I am dyslexic so it could be taken the wrong way by some people,I am not a depressive kind of person,always smiling and laughing and am very happy person,but since having copd,I have only ex.what I have felt to be like a depression,so apologise to people that have that as a illness aswell.

Colours23 profile image

No I don't think so,we are all different ,so respecting people's difference is the beginning of opening the mind up and not taking everything personally,or hanging onto words to adopt to ones lower life state. Blaming somone else .

mimii profile image

Or maybe it's a case of the more intelligent ppl with depression are able to articulate their feelings on forums while those less able to are equally depressed but feel unable to express it or might feel inferior to others so keep quiet !!

Having said that, my daughter's had depression and is an intelligent, sensitive and creative person. :) xx

in reply to mimii

I love your photo! Just for a moment I thought it was my lucky day - conversations with Rod... :)

mimii profile image
mimii in reply to

Thanks, most ppl don't appreciate my good taste :D xx

bepete profile image

Hell !!

This debates been going on for two days now ,,Change the record !!


mimii profile image
mimii in reply to bepete

Excuse me but the discussion on rods only just started :D which record would you like to hear , can recommend ooh la la to lift the spirit's, well it does it for me anyway :D xx

bepete profile image
bepete in reply to mimii

didn't mean your discussion hotrod ! .

I mean coughs! lol x!!.

I do like a musical discussion though !.

Hows about an old un ?

Hot legs !!!.

pete x

mimii profile image
mimii in reply to bepete

I know what you meant was trying to be witty :D xx

Photogeek profile image

Maggie May I say. Good photo too Mimi " I am sailing" . I better shut up or

Another hornets nest.

Hannah x

mimii profile image
mimii in reply to Photogeek

See you've got good taste too Hannah :D my ultimate favs are You wear it well , Reason to believe, and The handbags and the gladrags :) xx

bepete profile image

Hannah your too nice to stir up a hornets nest

Im just having a laugh today !,with mimmi, we have nick names for each other.

It makes a change to have fun !

Pete xx

mimii profile image
mimii in reply to bepete

Hey Indie, you beat me in the quiz :D xx

bepete profile image
bepete in reply to mimii

Heeeeey!!!!!. Lol !!!!

Hey you 'orrible lot - going off topic you naughty people :d Slap on the wrists for all of you :) :) How is that for expressing yourself? :) :) xx

bepete profile image
bepete in reply to

My God cough

Looks like your on summink,, with all the smileys ?.

Hows your day going ?

Pete. X.

in reply to bepete

Ok thanks pete. Bit lonely but that's nothing new! You? xx

Photogeek profile image
Photogeek in reply to

Cough how are you? How is Breeze.? Get a paper bag and

Open it and she will have great fun jumping Inand out of it.

Kittens are so funny. X

Scola13 profile image

Drugs might work but the 20 side effects. I have found good medicine in reading my Bible eating right.

Yes to the question, because we pay attention to the issues around us and those alone can be depressing.

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