I know some of this repeats what I've said before, as I was summarising it for another forum! Just feeling I don't belong at present.
Since Thursday I've been ringing one of the help[lines most days. It's well worthwhile keeping a list of helpline numbers etc. by your .phone.
I've been struggling for ages because of my housekeeping problem - not exactly hoarding, but things are very chaotic. I want them to be straight, but I don't want anyone else in until things are much better.
The problem with keeping pet rats is their short lifespan. I know my oldish boy, Milky Way, was going downhill last weekend. I had a vet appointment for Thursday. Unfortunately I can put water accessibly, but I can't make my pet drink! When we went to the vet, MW was really dehydrated and looked as if I'd been neglecting him - having developed a nasty skin problem as well. He was almost unconscious when he had his final injection.
On Friday one of my favourite girls was very ill. Fortunately she is responding to antibiotics. Saturday night I found a middle-aged buck dead.
As I have no family, my "small furries" are my children.
Also, my chronic pain problems are a nuisance at the moment.
Good 'pet' news last night - little almost-hairless Aslan was being introduced to three others, and it seems to be going well/ It is so funny to see him trying to make his non-existent fur stand on end.
I have had some other problems. I find it hard to handle comments from people who have never had animals, and don't understand how I feel. Also, I posted what was intended to be a humorous post on one forum to find it taken totally literally. I may have mild Autistic Spectrum Disorder/Asperger's, and sometimes feel I don't belong here.