If there is one thing I have learned during my time with depression is that this world of humans is nothing more than stupid, and I am "sick of it"! (Skillet - Sick of It - youtube.com/watch?v=AHzU-9i... The inevitability of a civil war given the state of Western society is killing me within, and I can only blame the stupidity of American Politicians relating to the aftermath of 9/11 - who the flying **** gives America the right to slaughter innocent civilians in wars in the middle east; who gives Israel the right to overthrow governments including that in Libya, Syria and Egypt. These conflicts happen as a decoy, America only wants the freaking oil and they'll do anything to get it - even if it means causing mass murder and civil wars.
America has so much "Noise" and people are fed up of it - If I was Prime Minister of the UK, I would have flown over to America and overthrown their Government a long time ago. (Skillet - American Noise - youtube.com/watch?v=UeB8Sys....
Despite all this, I still have education to be getting on with, if only anxiety did not get in my way and the constant anger and fear of death by the Governments. The inevitability of a civil war not only in America, but the UK, Spain, France, Italy, Greece and Israel will lead to the annihilation of this Western corruption. But I'm "not going to die" if I lead myself to believe that there are more things in life to look forward to than the constant stress and thought that these wars are inevitable. (Skillet - Not Gonna Die (soundcloud.com/atlanticreco...
Some free advertisement for Skillet, but this band is the very band that makes me want to join the fight against the corrupt governments, end the war against Internet freedom, abolish American operations in many parts of the world bringing us closer to another World War, and find a cure to our insanity. As a Human Being, I have a right to fight for my rights, and I will do so in any way, shape or form, even if it means joining a civil war as a soldier against the governments of this corrupt world.
I in no way do not intend to offend any persons, but when people do stupid things, so stupid and continue to do so - offending, insulting and abusing our very human rights, we as Humans have a right to share this knowledge and spread the word that this world IS corrupt and that the American Government is the only one to blame. We all know they are responsible for the damage to the economy following 9/11, and forcing their allies into a position where they literally have no choice in the matter but to fight with them. Think "Gaza" and "Palestine". Yeah, you know what I'm talking about. Human rights are being violated this very moment, even within the jurisdictions of America. Let me tell you one thing - Europe is a much safer place than America is right now, and that is saying something considering how much debt Europe is in relation with American debt.
Do not ever visit America, it will be the last thing you do - if you do, you may face the inevitability that it's people are in poverty; there are more children and students on the streets in total than there are in every European country combined. If you think America is "better off", you are definitely wrong. I am not saying this because I HATE America, I say it because it is also fact. Their laws destroy human freedom across the board, and if we don't stand up soon we will all end up in a civil war, and trust me, that is the last thing you will ever want.
Again, in relation to what has been said, I hate to ponder on that I do hate America and their society. But once again, I have a right as a Human to free speech. My opinions I wish to share because you as a reader need to know this - that these "situations" are getting worse and the inevitability of a Revolution is probably the only answer - Governments are only two or three steps away from this happening, and any more false moves by these governments will cause this Revolution to happen. I am not FOR or AGAINST a Revolution, but if the time comes and I am not prepared for it, I will regret it. The same goes for you - this situation is inevitable. Get yourself prepared, no matter your interests, your situations, etc.
As my instincts tell me, better off dead than face the consequences. I will fight even if it leads to my very death, but I will die knowing I was fighting for my rights instead of knowing I wasted my life in front of a computer, and I hope you feel the same.
Thanks for letting me share this with you and I hope that this does not come into conflict with any website rules. If it does and this is taken off, then I truly understand why - even if it is for my own protection - but all I want to say is that innocent depression survivors need to be prepared for the inevitable - you never know what could happen next.