I am 30 years old. I am 7 days post circumcision due to phimosis. After 7 days, skin from the shaft of my penis is still covering about half of the head, I can’t see most of the stitches and there appears to be a pretty large hematoma on the bottom side of penis near the incision site. Anyone have any advice on this? Is this due to swelling that will subside over time or a botched circumcision?
Skin still covering head of penis after... - Men's Health Forum
Skin still covering head of penis after circumcision
I’m no expert but it is only 7 days after your operation so I would assume that there will still be some swelling. Give it a day or so and if you’re still worried seek medical advice.
I had this when I had my circ ar 60On review at 6 weeks asked why and was told they had done a sleeve section where they only take the damaged skin complained and got it redone 8 weeks later where they took the rest of the redundant foreskin
Sounds exactly the same as my experience. It actually got infected due to the scar being folded over the head and kept moist. I went back twice in agony after the infection, and the surgeon that did it kept saying it would all shrink and heal back to being behind the head, but it would take six months..... knew it wouldn't, and I was right it was a misjudgement and he tried to fob me off.
It has also been incredibly painful due to the scar folding over the head being stretched, and the fact it rolls back and forth literally all the time when moving on and off my glans. At times I've wanted to cry it's been so uncomfortable, and it still hurts literally as bad as the first few days at times at week 10.
My solution has been to bandage the redundant skin back to keep the scarline dry and flat on the shaft. It works, but sometimes it comes off and starts to hurt again.
Fortunately, I've been for a second opinion now, and the new guy is going to fix it because he says there is not enough skin removed.
If its anything like my experience, it may not be pleasant. My glans is half covered, so it hasn't got used to being out properly. And then it pops in and out all the time driving me mad.
If I was you, I'd complain and make them revise it before it goes on for months like mine has. August 4th was the botched one, now November 27th for the revision. I'm gonna be in pain until Christmas at least I reckon.
I can't find many experiences of this, so I've really struggled to deal with it. I found info on partial circumcision, and it mentioned extended periods of pain and they weren't recommended. I know why lol. 6big sounds like he had the same.
Best of luck with it, if you want to chat message me.