Sounds a bit gross but Im a 27 year old male and for the last 4-6 months I have been having consistent foamy and cloudy urine. I have been to the doctors twice. First time they tested for clymadia and it came back clear so I went back and they tested my blood for kidney/liver infections and whatever other infections they test for. They also tested my urine for protein. All came back clear again! The only reason the docs claim that my urine is concentrated and to drink more water which I have been doing but still nearly everytime i urinate it’s cloudy and foamy/bubbly. Surly this is not normal? Has anyone experienced anything like me?
Foamy urine: Sounds a bit gross but Im a... - Men's Health Forum
Foamy urine

Are you peeing a good amount each time? How much time passes before having to go again?
Hi, sometimes I go a little more then usual but that could be due to the fact I’m drinking a lot more water under doctors instructions. As to the amount I pee most the time just normal amounts but sometimes only very small amounts come out.
It sounds as if your bladder is not completely empying. This can be a prostate issue. It would be wise for ypur urologist to do an examination of the prostate region of the urethra, the valve area and of the bladder by use of a transurethral scope. A catheter fitted with a camera is inserted into the penis, transmittiting pictures to view the internal parts. While it sounds painful, it is really just uncomfortable having some dude shoving stuff inside your junk.
Thanks again for your reply. Sounds very uncomfortable :/ this could be the case but would this cause the frothy urine?
I don’t think it’s dehydration problems because I am drinking plenty of fluid and my urine is clear almost like water. But still foamy
I am having the same problem. I noticed that if I pee sitting down it does not foam, however there is sediment. So whatever that sediment is, its causing my foamy urine. I am having the urologist run a complete work up on a sample. When I get my results I will let you know. Again, I can drink water until I turn into a fish, but there still will be bubbles.

Yes that would be great if you could let me know your results. Sounds like we have similar problem. Haven’t been back to the doctors yet. After going twice already and getting nowhere I’m just monitoring it at the moment and making notes of how often it is happening and whether or not I am dehydrated. I have noticed if I keep very hydrated it’s not as foamy but like you I still get that sediment that builds up. Trying not to worry about it as stress fuel the fire. Look forward to hearing back from you on this.
It sure does fuel the fire. I got a few things going on and the foamy urine is a trigger for my anxiety.

Me too. Me and my wife are expecting a baby in the coming weeks so I have enough on my plate at the moment. It’s been happening to me since August now so in a strange way I have kind of got used to it so it does not stress me out to much but I have to remind myself that it’s not normal. You shouldn’t worry too much. My doctor tested me for albumin (a protein that is present during kidney diesise) amongst other tests. After coming back all clear he just shrugged it off and didn’t seem to concerned. I will get back after Xmas and have a repeat test to be sure but in the mean time I am trying my best not to worry about it
Yes protein fine and no infection with mine. But I pushed got a full urine culture see what they say. I'll swing back around, I hope it's just stress nothing more. But now my chest hurts and it will hurt when I pee. Anxiety is a bitch
Congrats on new baby lots of fun
Update. Just found out I may suffer from sleep apbea. Maybe what's going on
Just got my full workup back and all things negative. Great news but frustrating as I am tired of foamy urine and not knowing the cause. Also had a uric acid test done on blood and that came back within range. Hope you are well.