Hey everyone, I'm 25 and from Denmark, so sorry for my bad English. Got circumcised after numerous attempts to fix my tight frenulum and foreskin, which have gotten worse over the past 5 years.
First I tried creams and stretching, did not help. Then I got frenuloplasty, did not help. Then they made a dorsal slit, but it still wasn't enough. I think it has to do with me being an extreme grower. My penis is small flaccid, but as a bisexual man who have seen a lot of dicks trough his life, I know I'm way above average when erect. So I opted for circumcision, I liked the look anyway and I've always been crazy sensitive down there so I didn't mind loosing some sensitivity.
I lost two stitches the first week, since then not much have happened. But I smoke so that's maybe why it's slow at healing.
I had an infection on day four, had to to take antibiotics for 5 days, could only make it trough the first day because they made me sick, but luckily the bad smell and slime disappeared after that.
Since then I've soaked it in salt water with a small amount of mild soap for 10-15 minutes two times a day.
Anyway.. I just wanna know if you all think it looks okay? I'm also curious what cut I've gotten. I guess its low and loose?
Before bath:
After bath:
Thanks in advance.