Does everything look OK? Day 16 after c... - Men's Health Forum

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Does everything look OK? Day 16 after circumcision #NSFW Pictures#

Danish92 profile image
19 Replies

Hey everyone, I'm 25 and from Denmark, so sorry for my bad English. Got circumcised after numerous attempts to fix my tight frenulum and foreskin, which have gotten worse over the past 5 years.

First I tried creams and stretching, did not help. Then I got frenuloplasty, did not help. Then they made a dorsal slit, but it still wasn't enough. I think it has to do with me being an extreme grower. My penis is small flaccid, but as a bisexual man who have seen a lot of dicks trough his life, I know I'm way above average when erect. So I opted for circumcision, I liked the look anyway and I've always been crazy sensitive down there so I didn't mind loosing some sensitivity.

I lost two stitches the first week, since then not much have happened. But I smoke so that's maybe why it's slow at healing.

I had an infection on day four, had to to take antibiotics for 5 days, could only make it trough the first day because they made me sick, but luckily the bad smell and slime disappeared after that.

Since then I've soaked it in salt water with a small amount of mild soap for 10-15 minutes two times a day.

Anyway.. I just wanna know if you all think it looks okay? I'm also curious what cut I've gotten. I guess its low and loose?

Before bath:

After bath:

Thanks in advance.

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Danish92 profile image
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19 Replies
Daz81 profile image

Looks fine mate. Nice and clean.

Danish92 profile image
Danish92 in reply to Daz81

Thanks for the reply. It's kinda funny how easy it is to see everything is okay when I look at other peoples pictures.. But when it comes to my own penis I worry over the smallest things.

Do you have any idea what the cut I have is called?

Daz81 profile image
Daz81 in reply to Danish92

We all worry about our own cocks mate.

timmyboy20 profile image

It looks fine. I think the urologist did a great job! The circumcision style looks definitely low. It's difficult to say at this point of healing but I would rather think it's circumcised tightly and not loosely.

Danish92 profile image
Danish92 in reply to timmyboy20

Just looked trough pictures of different cuts again and I think you're right that it's low and tight. Thanks for your reply.

mpd052 profile image

It looks fine. Just keep it clean to avoid another infection. I’m one of those people whose wounds heal very slowly (and I’m not diabetic) but since I quit smoking last year, wounds heal faster. Worth trying not to smoke during healing time (It is very tough, I know....) good luck!

Danish92 profile image
Danish92 in reply to mpd052

Haha I tried mate. I can't stop completely. But I'm only smoking 3-5 a day now compared to 20 before.

Cipher profile image

If your antibiotics make you feel sick, you need to talk to your doc and get different ones. If you have an infection, it is best to take the full dosage as otherwise the infection my superficially go away, but is still there and might re-occur.

As for the swelling, it is perfectly normal, however, the incision looks a bit odd. Normally the shaft skin is connected to the underskin (skin under the removed foreskin) but on the picture it looks like your underskin is connected to your underskin. I take it its the angle of the picture and its actually not that case but looks odd (not wrong, just odd).

Danish92 profile image
Danish92 in reply to Cipher

I know it's not good to not finish the antibiotics. I've tried like 5 different trough my life and all have made me crazy sick. Ill take my chances this time - it seriously feel like I'm dying of cramps. No signs of infection in 10 days now. But yeah, it's stupid, I know..

The incision is in fact my shaft skin connected to underskin. It's just the angle and the swelling that makes it look that way. :)

Thanks for your reply though!

Cipher profile image
Cipher in reply to Danish92

If it is the case then there is nothing to worry about. As for the antibiotics, did you read the instructions how to take them? Some should not be taken with any diary products, or have to be taken with food, or certain times. Anyway hopefully its fine. If the infection disappeared after 1 day of antibiotics, its likely that it wasn't an infection at all. Anywho best of luck to you!

Danish92 profile image
Danish92 in reply to Cipher

Yeah I did, I'm very cautious when it comes to medicine. Always read the whole paper that comes with it. Even had alarms to be sure to take them at the right times and when to eat etc.

I'm not sure if it was an infection, but I don't know what else it could have been. There were this yellow sticky slime accumulating around my inner foreskin and after sleep also down the shaft. When waking up I would gag because it was so smelly. It stopped the day after I took the antibiotics, might be a coincidence, I'm just glad it seems to be gone. Haven't had any smell at all since.

Qfellow profile image
Qfellow in reply to Cipher

Ywah you are right; the inner prepuce is stitched to its own self's like tissue.

Remember though he said he had a frenuloplasty and dorsal slit before. So the surgeon probably had to improvise for the final circumcision...

Jlb92 profile image

Hiya, it looks fine to me, just keep it clean and wash daily, I don’t think smoking actually effects healing at all, my ex had his done and his looked the same(cut wise). It also didn’t effect his sensitivity at all in fact I think it made him more sensitive.. His was really swollen and some stitches ripped out but it healed fine.

Danish92 profile image
Danish92 in reply to Jlb92

Luckily I've already lost a lot of sensitivity, otherwise I wouldn't be able to wear any clothes at all. It's very normal to loose sensitivity as the gland keratinize.

Smoking does affect healing a lot. All doctors will also tell you so before most surgeries.

Thanks for your reply though.

timmyboy20 profile image
timmyboy20 in reply to Danish92

Studies have shown that keratinization of the glans is just a myth spread by the anti-circumcision movement. The fact that we get less sensitive is rather because the glans being always bare dries out. If you wanna prevent that, just apply daily a moisturizer and your glans will remain sensitive.

Danish92 profile image
Danish92 in reply to timmyboy20

I see. I don't understand how anyone can walk with it exposed and moisturized though. Before my circumcision even touching my head gave me a sharp pain, I was extremely sensitive compared to now where i can actually wash/rub the head when in the bath.

timmyboy20 profile image
timmyboy20 in reply to Danish92

Yeah, indeed, too sensitive isn't good either. But if you never moisturize your glans it could become too dry with almost no sensitivity as result. If you don't want it too sensitive, you could moisturize it only before going to sleep.

Qfellow profile image
Qfellow in reply to Jlb92

Smoking and eating habits both affect the health of your blood, which is key to soft-tissue and skin healing. Some ppl may smoke tobacco but eat salads, proteins, and other good stuff. Lots of water and good sleep is key too. Stress levels are a factor as well

Qfellow profile image

Your glans look healthy on all 4 pics. You did get some tears from your stitchwork of two pieces of your inner foreskin. However, that 3rd pic shows a nasty infection definately. Your 4th pic must be after the salt baths. It looks great, sulfated, and healingly

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