Hi i am from south Australia unfortunately i have penial cancer have had most of my of it removed only got half inch left i am slowly comming to terms with it but its bloody hard anyone in the health forum community had same
Barina: Hi i am from south Australia... - Men's Health Forum
Sorry to hear your news. Have you discussed options with your surgeon or doctor? Your penis is not your life. That would make you a very shallow person. It may be that life will be changed if there is no reconstructive surgery possible. There is much in life, however, that can bring you fulfillment. Have you looked for a support group? Here is one guy’s perspective: ihadcancer.com/h3-blog/08-1...
Wish you the best mate 👍🏽 hopefully you get the support you need
I Hope you can come to terms with what you have been through and can still be intimate in whatever way possible. It is not all about the sex.
Definitely look into the possibility of re-constructive Surgery.
I was diagnosed with possible Penile cancer, fortunately for me it was not. I bemoan the loss of my foreskin but it shows how lucky most of us on here really are. Foreskin or not.
Thank You Barina for sharing and Best Wishes.
You should look into the possibility of a penal transplant. They have done them here in the US and they have been successful from all I have heard. I think South Africa has done them as well. It seem to be a long process of finding the potential donor and getting approved since it just in the beginning stages of this. Probably very few doctors are trained in this procedure yet, but it will get more common as time goes on and the FDA doesn't continue their endless foot dragging on approving this procedure. I wish you the best.
So sorry, Barina. How did this happen ... and, specifically ... what early signs were missed of which other men should be cognizant ... ?
Thank you for all the replys and all of your great thoughts of encouragement unfortunately i found out by accident i was washing my old feller when i had it and noticed a very small lump just inside the forskin went to dr and then specialist then surgery and thats i found out no pain no bleeding nothing but that wssnt the end of it next op to temove the cancer then as dr was cuting found more and more cancer hence only left me with half inch thats how i found out i had penile cancer please look carefully when showering to avoid this if you find anything out of the ordinary go to dr as soon as possible thank you again for your very kind comments