Hey all. Almost a year later. Was circumcised last February. Scar is still noticeable but pretty happy with the outcome.
Almost a year after circumcision warnin... - Men's Health Forum
Almost a year after circumcision warning picture

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Result came out great, man! Thanks for sharing your recovery.
Looks freaking awesome what a nice dick you have man!! Wish I had the same outcome. Thanks for sharing everything with us
Looks Really good
Now you made us all thoroughly jealous. Perfect outcome I would say.
That's the cleanist looking circumision I have seen in years looking at other photos on this site are horrible,and yes you are well hung which I was like you,happy Xmas
It looks great man, nicely done! A piece of art I would say!!
Hi mate
Did you have a tight forskin before circumcision? I mean is that the reason you had it done? I’ve been tempted! I can pull back with ease when flaccid but when I erect I can’t pull back unless I have it pulled back while getting arrect but then I’m worried the tiny bit of skin connecting the forskin to my head will split! I’ve been using baby oil when masturbating with the skin pulled back but I’m too worried to bash one out like that in case I split 😑 mine seems tighter just below the head when erect if that makes sense!
I had really short forskin to begin with but when fully erect fren was tight but not to the point you are describing. Sounds very nerve wracking. Have you seen a dr.
Mine is tight, Well it’s never been a problem it just doesn’t pull back when erect! Had loads of sexual partners etc not been an issue! Showed doctor obviously when flaccid but he said as it pulls back with ease flaccid I shouldn’t worry about circumcision etc as long as I can keep it clean etc! just maybe stretching and maybe steroid cream too. It’s more for my self that I’m thinking of circumcision as I think it just looks more scary with the head showing when erect lol
Looking good, scar tissue has healed nicely, your dick doctor has done a good job. I bet being that big it must get in the way, how is it when wearing jeans or trousers.

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