Hi guys, I've been experiencing a reduction in sexual desires and it bothers me. I went to the doctor and he prescribed me with some medicines but still no effect. I'm shy to tell it to my lover. Please help me guys, if you know any clinic that would help me. Thanks
Low Testosterone: Hi guys, I've been... - Men's Health Forum
Low Testosterone
Agree with Nowhard. You will only know if you have low testosterone if you have a blood test to measure it. It helps to know what your problem is before taking drugs!!
Diet and exercise are something we should all considering for an overall heathy life.
Yes, I feel like I'm having a unhealthy lifestyle I feel sad whenever my partner is being rejected. Thank you for this Nowhard, I just want to boost my testosterone level fast.
Yes and he found out that I have a low testosterone level. I found a clinic that does testosterone therapy, mind if you check on it if it is familiar to you? virilityinc.com
I was diagnosed with low testosterone six months ago. My test levels came back at 3.8nmol I believe. I’ve gone through several years now of depression, anxiety, zero sex drive, erectile dysfunction on occasions and just feel worn out and old. I’m 35 and have lower testosterone levels than the 85 - 100 year old group. I have my endocrinologist appointment this week to get TRT. No idea if I will get test gel or injections. I also have hypothyroidism and was on a load of opiates such as Fentanyl which it turns out from research causes androgen degradation in 80% of men using it long term.
I found that with my hypogonadism it does not matter what fitness I do, what diet I try, what vitamins I take. Only thing that can cure it is TRT. Did you see an endo yet? I use going to use BalancemyHormones which is a TRT clinic but the week I contacted them my NHS appointment landed in the post. Private TRT for me was quoted about about £80 per month for Sustanon. Taken six months to see the NHS endo.
My body barely makes testosterone naturally as I was into competitive bodybuilding level in my 20’s and taking years of steroids has caused this issue. Thankfully I have no other health issues from the steroids. Was in the military and had numerous medical tests for heart, liver and kidneys etc and everything was good and healthy. TRT will be a massive help for me. I’ve tried natural supplements to help testosterone levels and they did not work. Even tried clomid and HCG. GP put me in mirtazipane for depression and help me sleep. I will eventually come off those. I have noticed that my sex drive has slightly increased since stopping Fentanyl.