Right first day back at work today and couldn’t of gone worse lol the part where they cut my frenulum has been bleeding near on all day and there’s a hard lump just under where it’s bleeding ? I’m wondering what it could be ..? The hard lump is under my finger it’s about the size of a pea
Post op 15: Right first day back at work... - Men's Health Forum
Post op 15

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Probably odema! It's responding to the bleeding site, it will take nurse it up too. So it's a good thing for now, Chris👍👍👍
Huh what do u mean ? U mean I need surgery again ?!!?
No oedema is nutrient-enriched healing fluid in our bodis that responds to bleeding and injured sites.
I didn't mention surgery at all..
So il be ok ?
Well as long as you don't do anything crazy! Lol but that little bleeding of the frenulum will seal up and heal up on its own. The frenulum is its own special type of muscle tissue, so its healing style will be different from that of your penile skin..
The frenulum area is always the last to heal, it’s very common for it to bleed or tear.
As for the lump that’s also common it’s where they seal the veins/blood vessels together.
You will find they gradually subside as the healing goes on, it will take about 2/3 months for all the swelling/miscellaneous lumps and bumps to settle down.
The healing around the scar line looks good and the colour is healthy so hang in there you will be fine.

Okay so don’t need to go docs or hospital then ?

I had bleeding today for no apparent reason on same area, thank fcuk i was at home!
It is
It’s worth a call to the gp if you’re ever unsure or worried.
However unless the area hasn’t opened up there isn’t really much they can do.

Well it won’t stop bleeding ... so I don’t know if it’s opened up or not ...
You will not need surgery again it looks perfectly fine. Mine was so much worse than yours and after a month it looks so much better. Just give it time and take more time off if you need to, don’t rush back into work.

I can’t take anymore time off :/ I’m jjst worried it’s opened up ?

Can you post a current picture
I can understand the lump... Damn I have one and it looks straight from fear factor. A stitch near it is pointed in such a way that it shimmers over the lump and pinches my testis. It has some infection on it too of yellow colour gooey puss. I am on antibiotics. Doctor said it can be an infection.
Regarding your case, your penis overall looks pretty well healed. As said by others, the frenulum or the connecting tissue on the underside of the penis takes the longest to heal and that's where the lump usually forms. Take appropriate rest.
To solve your issue, try cleaning the bleeding area with water if possible. Otherwise just wait till the blood clots temporarily and then put some neosporin ointment. You can use powder also. I prefer powder as it doesn't stick too much to the site and is easily washable. As far as my opinion goes, you don't need any additional surgery. Just be alert for any infection.
i have told u so meny times 80% of the time when wounds get infected it's because u keep messing with the wound leave it alown

Not even been touching it actually,. It’s been left in my boxers and I’ve been back to work so I’m guessing coz it’s where I’m back to work and moving about
no every time u post it's about u removing scabs scabs are good for helping heal leave them alown and also if cut your nails if your touching the wounds

Right ok