Firstly thankyou to this forum and nfor for great support. I just wanted to get a bigger list of what to expect/if my care is okay. Plus tell me how you guys are going! First few days were traumatic for me but im coping now. I wake up, pee, epsom salt dip then apply my ointment. I do that once more, then a shower at night then my ointment. I wear underwear with no gauze i just bear with it. Might apply vaseline to the glans cause it got a little stuck today. Other than that i have dried blood, a little red/yellow under my stitch and some bruising on the glan edge. How is everyone else healing going? Hearing from others is reassuring. Btw im 24, had op on 3rd july 12pm. Just over my 4th day. Hoping for that week mark to hopefully be less sensitive! And damn night erections feeling a little tight now but bearable!
Pre op healing expectations? And thanky... - Men's Health Forum
Pre op healing expectations? And thankyou to this forum for reassurance and support.

Hi. I’m well into week 6 now and have been wearing just tight underwear for just over a week now it’s still sensitive st times and sometimes have better days than others. Still get the gasp moments every so often. But all seems ok

Were you not wearing tight underwear before? Im keeping mine exposed in tight underwear since day 1. Since your stitches are mostly out i'd assume sensitivity will be gone faster for you so probably less than a week!
I'm on day 6 and I started wearing underwear yesterday without anything else. I notice improvement every day so I think it'll go faster if you just push through the sensitivity. I read about a guy who just went back to his normal routine immediately after the operation except for being a bit lighter on exercise and cleaning a bit more. I think that's a bit extreme but he said he was 100% back to normal in just 2.5 weeks because he pushed through everything in the beginning including wearing normal clothes and walking 5 miles a day. Remember aside from the healing of the wounds sensitivity is just that sensitivity, it's not dangerous. So if you have the mental stamina you can go back to normal life immediately aside from taking easier stuff that can interrupt the wound healing. But I'm not that strong, I tried walking today in my ordinary pace with normal steps, making an effort to not look like I shat my pants and I barely made it for 10 seconds. I

lol to the comment trying not to look as if you've shat your pants lmao, I feel your pain. I bare through the pain in public to avoid this also, at home - I picture myself walking as Homer Simpson does when he has rickets lol
If I’m honest, I think my healing is going well but I just find the sensitivity unbearable! Glad to know you can deal with it though I’m on my 5th day today
I think my healing is looking good so far too! Sleeping is still scary cause im afraid if night erections will be nice to me 😂 the sensitivity is annoying. Fretting every knock and bump when i stand or waddle around
That’s good and elections are honestly one of the worst pains😂😂I cant even wear clothing that’s how bad my sensitivity is though!
I hope yours gets better! Mine is just from weird bending and movements. Although mine is kind of hidden away/buried. Hopefully itz just from swelling. Have you tried the tips to help with night erections a bit? Mine are feeling a little tight but not too bad so far.
What are the tips to help with night erections?
If you sleep on your side sleep with fetal with knees up. On your back sleep with knees up. Its helped me i think. I always wake up when i feel one coming. Might be a defence mechanism to alert you by how everything is positioned. I also have a painkiller before bed but i dont think that makes a difference. Also pee before sleep and no drinking 2 hours before sleep. I stop like 4 hours to be safe. I heard to pee when you do get one at night but havent tried that yet. See if those make it more bearable!