Hi there I'm due to have a vasectomy next week and have been advised to wear cotton underwear, does anyone have any advice, weather they should be tight or loose fitting? Tia.
Vasectomy : Hi there I'm due to have a... - Men's Health Forum

I would advise loose fitting for your Vasectomy. Basically you want the area clean and airy. The procedure is quite quick and relatively painless. You will be sore for a while when the anaesthetic wears off but nothing to worry about. If it is anything like mine, when you go to the clinic it is somewhat like a production line. This is a bit impersonal but it takes away any chance of embarrassment.
Good Luck and do not worry.
Immediately after the op i would suggest 2 sizes smaller. You need to be able to keep the crown jewels from wriggling about.
Most definitely tight. They will tell you that anyway I think. My advise would be to take it easy for 2-3 days. No sex for at least a week and buy an antiseptic spray to keep the wound sterile in the first few days. The other guy is right if done on the NHS it is an impersonal production line. Unless you're happy with a nurse shaving your nuts I would pre-prepare downstairs myself as long as you don't cut yourself. I did and was glad I did. Good luck

My advice is clear the jungle before going I guess. Specially to avoid embarrassment specially if you are a little guy. No matter what underwear you wear. I preferred cock socks type which keeps your rod snug fits and separates from your jungle stump. I tempted doing myself too. Please mention your age and All the best.
my advice is research chronic testicular pain
Before getting it done ( it's a very painful condition that I wouldn't wish on anyone)
A few links on that:
Royal College of Surgerons of England reference stating 15% rate is here:
British Association of Urological Surgeons, patient advice reports chronic pain in 5-15% of patients.
British Journal of Urology paper.
Here 13% + still had pain a decade after their vasectomy.
Journal of Andrology paper, explains the changes in the testicles following vasectomy and the mechanisms behind chronic pain:
Wikipedia, Post Vasectomy Pain Syndrome
UK Vasectomy Rates are down 64% in ten years
Take Care
Yes that is a consideration and I personally suffered discomfort afterwards for more than a year.
Best advise I can give is cancel your op and save yourself a huge risk of pain for life.
I had tight boxers on that kept my dick and balls quite firm, Its a good feeling when you get the all clear so you can go all the way
May I ask you all why a vasetomy is performed? as a definitive anticonceptional method? Or are there also medical indications? for example: avoid epididimitis during prostatitis or prostate surgical intervention?
Nick it's a routine form of contraception in the U.K. Typically between 15-20% of men get it.
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