Having white spot like one piece of rice.when i erected skin then its show.there not feeling pain and all.it has been since from last week but its never increse i am scared what exectly is.can any one please told me. Its been in starting of foreskin of penis
White spot show when i erecting the skin - Men's Health Forum
White spot show when i erecting the skin

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Yes i post this twice but that time i nevwr get the ans.so i was worried but nw u gave me ans.but this is not any seriuos na
I have saw this to skin specialist.and he is also said that is this nothing to getting penic. But my mind never accepting this please help me to get out of this into my mind
Yes i had chek it lot a time but i dont get any changes.this is as it is like i saw at first.means not growing up.but after i use cream its getting lil changing but its too small.
Then i thing i have to ignore this totally.and have forget it
Yes i did this before.but when i see this spot at the time of masturbate or pissing again thinking about this ",its not symtomp of like cancer","why is there,why dint this disappaer"and this circle of thinking start again as befor.and about this i am getting seeked.
Yes sir,
I have to accept the specialist advice.but can u please told mi its nots like this symptoms which i think.bcose i didnt smoke. And only drinked beer once or twice in month.
Can it be scare tissue if you masturbate? Or if you excessively masturbate? Jus asking.
Nop i am not masturbate exclusively.this spot seem as directly befor 3 week ago.and it is still like before.but am scared bcose its not like cancer symptoms.please reply me.
Retracting, not erecting. See your doctor.
Is there any increase in white spot