My brother just called me and told me he had a secret to let out that no one should know about it . But I can't keep it to myself . He has not been ejaculating during sex and masturbation though he feels it coming but it doesn't come out of the penis. Has conducted all sort of test but all the result shows there is nothing wrong with him. has not been able to see his own sperm with the naked eyes. It's been 1 year since it started and he is a father of 2 kids . Please can someone in the community help
Ejaculation prob: My brother just called... - Men's Health Forum
Ejaculation prob
Look up ‘retrograde ejaculation’ where the sperm goes backwards Into the bladder than out the penis
thank you very much i will ask him to try that bc I have looked up the meaning and it sounds convincing that it might be the situation. I appreciate your contribution
I just asked him about it but he says sometimes when he dreams having sex sperm comes out and ilhe can feel and smell it
I’m sorry I am not able to comment any more on this but do feel it’s linked to retrograde ejaculation in some way.
Retrograde ejaculation is really common in people that suffer with diabetes.
Hi Passy911. Fist and foremost. He has to be see an urologist ASAP. That situation was one of the problems I had. The urologist told me that from the testicles produce spermatozoides that are sent to the prostate where a liquid is added and that becomes semen. Then is sent through a conduct called ejaculatory duc to the urethra. That intersection is something like a T. One end of the horizontal line goest to the bladder and the other one goes out of the body. For some reasons like accidents like when people fall down on their butts, bicycles or horse riders the T intersection is damaged; the is coming out from the prostate but instead of going out, it turns on the other end and ending up in the bladder. Dr told me some times treatment is good in other cases surgery is required. Please see and urologist ASAP. Good luck
I had a period of dry orgasms in my early thirties and It was very worrying. I was drinking too much alcohol and my doctor quoted a passage of Shakespeare to me describing the situation. This turned out to be my cause and a later change of lifestyle restored my output to normal.