Appreciate some advice because I've tried repeatedly with my GP and the NHS and feel I am not getting my message across.
Longish story so bear with me.
About 3 1/2 years ago I noticed that my frenulum was short, and that fully retracting my foreskin was a little painful. Now this was strange in itself because it is not something that I noticed creeping up, it just seemed one day it was fine and the following day it was too short.
I put up with it for a while, trying to stretch it myself, but after a couple of months I saw my GP, and then quickly after that the urology department, and soon after that a Frenuloplasty (z-cut) had been arranged to lengthen the frenulum.
The Frenuloplasty was done under local (which was a little bit squeamish) and then I went through the recommended six weeks recovery time.
Soon after I discovered two things
1) The Frenuloplasty hadn't worked, it was just as short but probably worse because it was less flexible scar tissue
2) My sex drive had disappeared
Right up to the day before the operation, I had a normal sex drive. I got aroused easily, solid erections, stimulation felt nice, orgasms very nice and forceful, plenty of spurting ejaculate.
After the operation, arousal and erections were more difficult, stimulation felt distant, orgasms felt ruined, not satisfying, and ejaculate delayed and much less. What I mean is that I can have the orgasm and then watch for a few seconds and a small amount would dribble out. Sometimes it will just be a bead, almost gel-like.
I have spoken to different GPs several times and have a range of answers from "this sort of thing happens when you get older" or "here have some Viagra".
None of them want to take on board that it was a step change - everything fine before the Frenuloplasty and multiple symptoms afterwards - that doesn't feel like getting old.
And Viagra isn't the answer. I can get erections without it, but not as easy as before, but that doesn't help the remote feeling, the loss of pleasure and the delayed minimal ejaculation.
Eventually I wondered whether it was done to the frenulum still being short so back to the GP who sent me back to urology who said that they could retry the Z-Cut or a circumcision.
I elected for a Z-Cut but on the day the consultant looked at it and said that given the amount of scarring already present it was unlikely to work and that a circumcision was the only likely remedy.
That was done, a bit of a mess, heavier scarring then I should have had and cut really close to the glans so it looks a bit weird.
Anyway, been to see the GP again today, just got "this sort of thing happens when you get old" (I'm 53) and then gave me some Beta Blockers to take in conjunction with the Viagra to see if that helps.
I don't feel that anyone at the NHS is listening to me, so I'm posting here
1) Anyone seen anything like this before
2) What are the possible causes
3) Could the Frenuloplasty have done physical damage to cause all of those symptoms
4) Could it be psychological
5) And most importantly are there any remedies