Hi guys im 15 and around 10 stone, my double chin is a bit anoying wen i lean back. its not big but its annoying. Anyone know anyways to get rid?
Hi guys im 15 and around 10 stone, my double chin is a bit anoying wen i lean back. its not big but its annoying. Anyone know anyways to get rid?
I am not a health professional and you haven't made mention of your height, diet and activity levels, but 10 stone is not a wholly unacceptable weight at all.
I can appreciate that your double chin may be annoying you. Perhaps some of the issue is related to your posture. You describe a situation when many people might expose a double chin. Perhaps you might consider what activity you could take up (walking, football, badminton, whatever) that would help boost your metabolism or perhaps you might consider what you are eating and think about what you might want to adjust.
Could I ask, what is it that is annoying you about your double chin? What do other people say about it?
I hope this helps.
Thanks mate. I do an intense hour and a half of boxing twice a week , go on a walk most Sundays and am quite active. And eat quite healthy. No one says anything but its just something that I don't like.
Here's a few helpful tips
You can stretch your neck left, right, and tilt your head back several times.
Massage with 1 tbsp Vitamin E from the neck up to your chin for about 15 mins daily.
Also, adding lecithin and flaxseeds to your weekly smoothies or meals aids in eliminating excess fatty tissue.