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Men's Health Forum (Penis Health)

35,783 members8,953 posts

All posts for July 2019

Does post circumcision sensitivity ever decrease?

So it's almost been 4 months since my circumcision. To anyone else who had the o...
Exel-96 profile image

4 stitches left? 1 month in.

So I have 4 stitches left one on top, one on the bottom and one on each side. My...
Nicku6843 profile image

Circumcision swelling taking long time to heal.

Long story short I had a circumcision exactly a month ago yet i am still very sw...
Juan123 profile image
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Circumcision healing?

Hi, I was circumcised 4 weeks ago. Does this look like it is healing ok. Bit red...
Mango1234 profile image

Does circumcision reduces penis sensitivity?

Am curious.
Chozy profile image

It's been 12days since my last post.

Well i visited my doctor last week and he said its healing properly and all is n...
Chozy profile image

Still swollen and not much room to expand after circumcision

Hi all. I had a circumcision 4 weeks ago and it developed an infection. Long sto...
Mango1234 profile image


Now been a week since my last update and I’m slowly getting the swelling down, :...
User1069 profile image

Erectile dysfunction

Best advice on Erectile dysfunction I'm best medications much appreciated?
Jay73buster profile image

What position on how to sleep after circumcision.

Just got my circumcision done and I'm on day 4 today, was wondering on how to sl...
schidi143 profile image


I just had sex without a condom, after I came I was bleeding from the penis and ...

This scar is it normal or is it infection?

Hey guys ,I'd just like to find out if this scar is normal or is it a sign of in...
Fond_TF2 profile image

Yes my penis is dead for good

Yes still no Luck of having a erections ever diabetes have ruined my X life for ...
Petersilver profile image


I am almost 4 weeks into recovery from circumcision and things are starting to l...
DonKrebs profile image

Penis red head?

So I see this red spot on my head what does this mean? I got circumcised in Apri...

Tight foreskin

So my foreskin is rather tight. When I’m soft I can pull it back with ease but w...
Baking_mad profile image

Circumcision update

Hi, since yesterday this yellowy substance has increased and is covering almost ...
hlr2000 profile image


Basically if you’ve read my recent posts then you will know that I’ve been havi...
Samsauce profile image

Circumcision questions

I’m 38, I’m going to get a circumcision. I’m terrified. How painful is it? How l...
Woodenstick profile image

4th day After Circumcision

Hi, I’m 18 and I had my circumcision on the Monday of this week, it is now Thurs...
hlr2000 profile image

1 month after surgery, itch after sex

Hi guys! it’s been a month since I’ve been circumcised and there’s not open woun...
Fredcamp profile image

Where should our friend get circumcised?

Hi. We have some friends we know from holidaying at the same naturist site. Thei...
Hidden profile image


Is it normal to have abit of fat just above my penis im only 9 stone and it dont...
Rhino03z profile image

3 Weeks Post Surgery

Hi all, these are 3 weeks post circumcision surgery images. I'm 24 and I'd to ge...
Cococola profile image

Red and very itchy balls

Hello, Last week I began getting a really bad itch around my penis and In the ba...
Hellboy21 profile image

Scab Finally Came Off😭

Thank You GOD!!! I woke up to use the bathroom and noticed the scab had complete...

Erectile dysfunctions

My doctor will not prescribe viagra, as I have heart problems What did I do n...
ASR3513 profile image

do you know about dorsal nurectomy surgery to desensitize penis

does any one know about dorsal nurectomy surgery to desensitize penise...i want ...
nishajainvsp profile image


I have never seen a question here for guys to say what size they are
theamos profile image


Hey everyone just wanted to to show the actual tip of my cock and how it’s heali...
User1069 profile image

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