Hi, since yesterday this yellowy substance has increased and is covering almost all of my frenulum wound now... is this infection or to do with healing? I’m visiting the doctor just in case
Circumcision update : Hi, since... - Men's Health Foru...
Circumcision update

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Hi, have you tried to wash it off try the salted water it will help it could be just the build up during the night I don't think it is infected it's more to do with the healing. is there any smell from it? it's no harm to have it checked if you are going to the GP.
Hi, I’ve been submerging my penis is salt water to clean it but I don’t want to rub away at anything as it might be part of the healing and could make my wounds more vulnerable.
There is a smell but I haven’t been able to thoroughly wash the area so it could be down to that and the fluids that are around it.
The doctor said everything looks fine and normal, the yellowish part is part of the healing process and the swelling is normal and will go down. I’ve been given a course of antibiotics so that infection is avoided and so that the healing might happen faster
That's good man no harm to have these things check with the doctor for your own peace of mind. It's a part of the healing I think. keep doing the salt washes and see how it goes🙂
Better check with your doc mate. I got my frenulum removed in another separate surgery but not with my circumcision. But most guys who got their frenulum removed along with circumcision get an infection so I better check buddy.
To avoid any further risk get sudocreme or savlon on it now and try and wipe it have u spanked in sleep or anything that may discoloured fluid etc but been here and deffo get one of these on him before spreads and you will be boner boy without playing with him longer m8 bad enough the time u wait to chug