I just had sex without a condom, after I came I was bleeding from the penis
and it still hurts
I just had sex without a condom, after I came I was bleeding from the penis
and it still hurts
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Hi, Did your frenulum break? that can happen and can be quite bloody.
Nothing, I was just having sex and when I came it was blood and my penis has been hurting the whole time and it keeps bleeding
So the blood is coming from inside your meatus (pee hole) it's not coming from your frenulum on the outside? You have done something during sex that has hurt your penis. You should go to your doctor to have it checked are you circumcised or intact if it's your frenulum it will heal in time. And can you pee ok? Have it checked Man.
I think you need to see a Medical professional asap.
See a doctor , drink lots of water.
You should consider a full STI check as any bleeding would make it easier for you to become infected.