Where should our friend get circumcised? - Men's Health Foru...

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Where should our friend get circumcised?

51 Replies

Hi. We have some friends we know from holidaying at the same naturist site. Their 17-year old son wants to get circumcised. They are happy with this and want to organise it themselves so that they know he is going somewhere reputable rather than him finding the cheapest when he is 18 and off to uni. They asked me for recommendations but the doctors who circumcised me and my sons are retired. I see on here that a Dr Khan is meant to be good so I have mentioned him to them. They live near Ipswich so I’m just wondering if anyone has any knowledge of a good circumciser nearer to them. Thanks.

51 Replies

What great parents! Giving support to their son, and helping him to get circumcised. If only more parents would be like this.

in reply to Circedandlovingit

I agree. I think they were a bit shocked at first and I’m not sure that they understand it now, but they are being supportive.

Dr Kahn also operates from the Thornhill Clinic in Luton and I would highly recommend his services to anyone looking for a circumcision.

Very reasonably priced and offers the skin glue option. 👍

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123ADJ profile image
123ADJ in reply to

I went here very happy with my results!

in reply to 123ADJ

Good to hear. Thanks.

Frookidooki profile image

I doubt they will find anywhere else other than going into London. And Thornhill in Luton may be easier. The private hospital in Ipswich specifically says they will not do cosmetic (or religious) circumcisions.

in reply to Frookidooki


DanMan93 profile image

What great parent's, i asked my dad when i was about 14 if i could get circumcised, but he just told me i should be happy with my foreskin and to forget about it. Now 6 years on im finally getting it done, but its so difficult now fitting it in around uni.

I can't understand why the NHS is not promoting and encouraging circumcision to teens, especially with the health benefits and the decreased risk of std's

in reply to DanMan93

I was too embarrassed to ask my parents so I went for a trim at 21.

Have you booked a date for your surgery?

DanMan93 profile image
DanMan93 in reply to

Yeah early September, can't remember the date. Im so glad i have finally got the confidence to get it done

in reply to DanMan93

Excellent. Good on you. Hope it goes really well. You’ve probably mentioned it somewhere here but what style circumcision are you going for?

DanMan93 profile image
DanMan93 in reply to

Ive decided high and tight, i don't want much movement when erect; and given im 7 inch's, this style should give me the result i want

in reply to DanMan93

Excellent. I’m quite high and tight (see my photos) and our sons are high and tight. I think it looks really good.

in reply to DanMan93

Good choice 👍 are you going to keep or remove your frenulum?

DanMan93 profile image
DanMan93 in reply to

Im gonna keep it

in reply to DanMan93

Where have you booked?

DanMan93 profile image
DanMan93 in reply to

Thornhill in Luton

in reply to DanMan93

I agree with all you’ve said. We had our boys circumcised as babies and they are very happy with it and enjoy being the (apparently) only circumcised boys in their years at school. I think that this lad is having it done for cosmetic reasons but he appreciates the other benefits you’ve mentioned.

DanMan93 profile image
DanMan93 in reply to

Personally i am only getting cut for cosmetic reasons. But i also agree that the pros far outweigh the cons.

But if the nhs promoted circumcision to teens and young adults and offered it free, i think we would also see a decrease in the cases of std's

in reply to DanMan93

Yes I think you’re right. I had my revision for cosmetic reasons but we circumcised our boys for health reasons (and because we preferred it). So many potential issues were cut out and we were so happy that we’d had them circumcised.

Belgian_Guy profile image
Belgian_Guy in reply to

Doing cosmetic surgery on babbies? thats just wow. You must be american such ignorance. Very strange how a dessert tribe tradition became popular in the usa. Lucky my parents left my body as nature intended it to be. whats wrong whit this world. A grown man deciding to get cut ok. Children and even babbies thats just gross.

theamos profile image
theamos in reply to DanMan93

What is hard about fitting in at the uni ?

DanMan93 profile image
DanMan93 in reply to theamos

Its difficult trying to find time around my studies

theamos profile image
theamos in reply to DanMan93

That makes more since

I thought the circ was to fit in

My bad

theamos profile image

I find this real interesting reading guy from the UK and Europe’s medical attitude vs USA medical attitude. In USA is it almost automatics at birth to do a circ. It is decreasing bit still prob around 80% are circ at birth. Any doctor any hospital will perform a circ no questions asked. And some one said that a hospital over there says no cosmetic or religious circ performed.

Wow not says for or against circ but you sure can tell what country has universal health care.

If you have money or insurance I prob could get mine cut at the local urgent care. Btw the urgent care is on almost every corner providing medical service.

Frookidooki profile image
Frookidooki in reply to theamos

The NHS in England is unfortunately systematically opposed to circumcision. And I suspect the reason is more cost saving than good health care, all dressed up in a lot of inactivist propaganda.

Curious as to how the local health authority (Ipswich and East Suffolk) which covers the home area of 135Peter's friends' son views the subject, I had a look at their guidance for GPs and consultants and at their patient info page on their website.

The only 3 conditions they will even consider as grounds for circumcision are phimosis, balanitis and balanopostheitis. And even then only after every avenue has been tried with lotions and potions and stretching. And every medical decision has to be audited (by accountants not doctors no doubt). No wonder men just suffer on in silence and desperation.

Meanwhile the patient info page is full of scare stories copied straight from a foreskin restorers handbook about loss of sensitivity and permanent damage resulting from circumcision, designed I am sure to put anyone off daring to ask for the procedure.

It is SO different to the US but I get the feeling that there is a bit of a 'postcode lottery' with circumcision. And that certain areas of the UK look on it more favourably. That is certainly my own experience of the NHS in Scotland where circumcision on demand still appears to be the norm, at least in the urban health board areas. How have any other members found the situation in their areas?

Artyfartblast profile image

My son was done by Dr Kahn at Thornhill. He did a great job. You will be pleased with the results,

in reply to Artyfartblast

Thanks. Dr Khan does seem to be the one to go to, and they are happy to travel to Luton. May I ask how old was your son when he was circumcised?

Artyfartblast profile image

He was 16.

DanMan93 profile image
DanMan93 in reply to Artyfartblast

What a supportive father you are. What were his reason for getting cut?

Artyfartblast profile image

He had a tight foreskin

in reply to Artyfartblast

I’m glad that he had a successful circumcision. Does he like being circumcised?

Artyfartblast profile image

Loves it.

in reply to Artyfartblast

Oh fantastic. That’s so good to hear. My sons are 16 and 12 and as I’ve said above they are very happy being circumcised. I was very happy growing up circumcised.

Artyfartblast profile image

Same here!

jaglad profile image

Don't want to throw a spanner in anyone's works but there is no evidence that circumcision reduces risk of STD's.

You better off with a condom !

Well it certainly looks like Dr Khan’s the man to go to. I will strongly recommend him to our friends. Thanks for all the input.

jaglad profile image

I do not want to discourage or encourage, and I think all responders on here should have the same attitude.

But there is growing concern in some quarters over men in parts of Africa being persuaded to have circumcisions in the belief that this will reduce their risk of STD's and even AID's.

Unfortunately this is not true and is making the situation worse.

in reply to jaglad

Hi. Your points are very fair. I have also heard stories of circumcisions being performed in Africa in less than hygienic situations and this is clearly not satisfactory. (I’m sure there are instances of unhygienic circumcisions elsewhere too.)

How does what you describe make the situation worse? Is it the hygiene thing I’ve mentioned or is it that money and time could be better spent on combating STDs in different ways?

jaglad profile image
jaglad in reply to

Not sure who now but a previous poster wrote that circumcision led to a reduction in STD's. Circumcision alone will not do that.

Hence my comment 'use a condom'. Not foolproof but it is the best way to reduce the risk of spreading STD's.

in reply to jaglad

Thank you for your constructive comments. Condoms are of course vital. Although I am very pro-circumcision I enjoy hearing opposing opinions when they are constructive. Not that I think we are opposing one another on the issue you’ve highlighted!

They have decided on Dr Khan and are hoping to set a date for later this summer.

cutuk20 profile image

As an alternative qcclinic.co.uk/ are very very good and are prepared to do a very tight result, not all doctors will.

in reply to cutuk20

Thanks very much. He’s sorted now.

jaglad profile image

Assuming you referring to my post, I did a little research' unlike yourself.

Try re-reading it. Circumcision is helping to reduce STD's but is only part of the 'cure'. Condoms are much better in reducing STD's. Fact !

I have no idea how many Scientists and Medical Professionals are circumcised so do not really think that was considered when the research was done.

BTW, I am circumcised.

Thanks for reading.

Thanks. Our friend got circumcised a couple of months back. He is delighted with the result.

He went high and tight and had his frenulum removed. He’s delighted with the result. Not sure if he had Dr Khan or one of his colleagues.

Dr Khan always , i would travel for that guy the entire country , my penis deserves the best surgeon , and he's the one , the level of support and advice he gives is outstanding , nothing compares to this guy , all UK doctors need a lesson from him how to treat and behave with a patient .

He still asks me how i am and how the circumcision is healing after 5 months , he wants to be sure everything is okay .

My after circumcision visit 3 months in he was extremely pleased with the outcome .

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Thanks. He went there and is very happy with the result.

in reply to

i would expect nothing else , that doctor deserves everything for the good cheap work he's doing .

Not what you're looking for?

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