I’m 38, I’m going to get a circumcision. I’m terrified. How painful is it? How long until I can go back to work?( I do lawncare, mow weedeat)
Circumcision questions: I’m 38, I’m... - Men's Health Foru...
Circumcision questions

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Jump to repliesHi, don't worry man it's not that painful it's more uncomfortable than painful with stitches and night-time erections it's not bad really. everybody heals differently so it's hard to say when you can go back to work. but for me I think I took a week off but I heal quite quickly. I had some sedation so I don't remember I woke up one hour later and was done I had no real pain afterwards. I didn't take any painkillers. the first night was a bit sore but not bad.
Thank you so much for taking time to respond. This has helped ease my nerves.
No problem Man. I understand It can be daunting to have it done I was 39 when I had it done for medical reasons infections and UTIs are not nice. I think you will have a big improvement afterwards. my work involves working outside as well but I had no problem after the first week or so. Have a read through my post sometime and if you need to ask me anything anytime no problem.
Adult circumcision stings/burns the day of surgery but no real pain. The cut line will ooze for a week or so, and the stitches are annoying. Are you having problems with your foreskin or do want to get cut for personal reasons? Since you do outdoor work, I think you will be more comfortable after you're circumcised. Until you heal, you might want to wrap your dick in gauze and then tape in place before you go to work; then remove gauze and clean the incision when you get home. You will be fine!
For health reasons, my foreskin gets abrasions from sex occasionally and I have had yeast infections an UTIs even tho I clean the foreskin. But the weather I work in is hot an really humid .My dr told me I should consider it an that he’s confident that I will be glad if I did it, thanks for the input, it has helped me
Im about to turn 60 and am 3 months post circ. Day of? I felt three little pinches as doctor injected local. I had one spot that still pinched so i got another shot and the pinch stopped. Ten minutes later, he said we are all done. Wife took a couple of pics so I could see the result. After that next few days were Sore. Erections were definitely Not Fun. Again, sore but not screaming pain. Some minor bleeding and yellow ooze. All normal. My wife bought me a box of male urinary incontinence pads. They look like maxi pads but for men. The are non stick and provide great padding in just the right spot. Doc had suggested depends adult under garment. They are hot and uncomfortable. The pads are not noticeable and comfortable. Sensitivity- the head isn’t so major for me. The scar line stung like a paper cut until recently but now mostly ok. Will you experience this same thing?? No way to know. How do cuts and bruises heal for you normally? That will give you an indication. Long winded reply but I hope it helps. Am I happy I did it? Hell yes!! And I paid cash. Should have done it when i was your age. I think I would have been better still.
Great reply and information.
I also need to get this done but I too am nervous. What was the reason you had it done? How did you choose the surgeon and what was the cost?
hi capr. I’m US based. Finding a doctor involved asking my gp and then some web searching. Went with a doc who does only two procedures- circumcisions and vasectomies. Fee was USD1800.00. My insurance wanted lots of documentation of ongoing issues to pay anything and then the doctors that take my insurance would only do general anesthesia in a hospital. In-office with local doesn’t pay enough. As for reasons, recent bought of yeast infection and generally just wanted it done.
Thanks for the information. I’m from UK. It’s not as common here as it is in US and I’m struggling to find a surgeon.
Hi there. I don’t know where in the UK you’re based but Dr Khan in Luton is rated very highly. Some friends of ours have a 17-year old son who wants to get circumcised and I’ve been asking on here (see my post) who the best circumciser is and Dr Khan is clearly very highly regarded. I was extremely happy with my circumciser (see my other posts of my penis photos) but he retired years ago, as did the excellent man who circumcised our sons.
Thanks. I’m in Manchester.
Most of the circumcisers here seem to specialise in Traditional circumcision but I’m not sure what that really means. Any idea?
Not totally sure to be honest. Worth speaking to them or emailing them to see exactly what they mean.
Thanks, I think they are mostly religious ones, more used to dealing with children which makes me a bit nervous.

Thank you so much for taking time to respond. This has helped. I usually heal well. I do have an extremely high libido, lots of erections. So I dread that part.
No need to worry at all bro. You will be happy. It will not cause that much of pain.
Can I ask where you are based? Uk? USA? Etc.
I’m in the USA
I think Dr Cornell in Atlanta is probably the most highly though of Dr in the US that does adult circumcisions. Everyone who has worked with him seems to think very highly of him. He takes the time to discuss your exact preferences and expected outcome and does his best to accomplish them. That said, he's not inexpensive, and he doesn't take insurance, so you're going to be out-of-pocket for his services.
I haven’t had it done myself, I joined here to try to understand what a friend was going through. But from what I have read it is much more common in the USA, and that the after care is also much better, over here my friend had his through the nhs and there was no aftercare, there were no other discussed options.
My friend has had a very hard time coping post op so please ensure you have thought through all your options and done plenty of research. And make the decision you feel is best for you. I hope all goes well for you
Although healing time varies greatly from person to person, most guys seem yo find the actual procedure pretty much pain free. Ad others have indicated, the worst parts are the injections (if you have it done under a local .. think dentists but not so bad) and the night time erections and pulling sutures for the first week or so afterwards.
Given your history of foreskin damage and infections, and especially given your working environment, you should notice huge benefits.
Best of luck!
i was fixed for similar reason, I had a general anaesthetic and putting the line in the back of my hand was the only thing I felt so pain on a par with having a blood test. Despite being tightly done I had no problem with erections and the only niggle was when the stitches sometime prickled when walking etc. I was back to work as normal as soon as anaesthetic was out of my system - 48 hours or whatever. Experience was more comfortable than a trip to the dentist.

I hope I am that fortunate!
Not that painful but VERY uncomfortable.I doubt you'll work much, especially the kind of work you do. Nocturnal erections are a problem first 2-3 days.. I got circumcised 8 days ago voluntarily and there is minor pain every now then but I'm healing, though i still find it hard to have pants on. Best advice I can give is to do it Asap and get your fair share of sex before the O.P.
Was it for a medical reason? Did doc talk about a specific style or did he just do what he thought was best?

Foreskin was breaking down an gettin infected, he did not discuss he just did what he thought
How did it turn out?

Pretty good, overall I’m pleased and glad I did it. It wasn’t fun but I believe it was worth it. I’m 3/4 inch shorter, but it’s only been 7 weeks so mayb the skin will stretch. I last longer but it’s just as pleasurable as before, possibly more.
Really good to hear it’s been a success. You will probably regain your size in time.
I got done just over a week ago.
Procedure was under local, they put 3 injections into the base of the shaft and honestly that was the only painful part. One of the injections was quite sore, but that lasted maybe 20 seconds and then it went numb.
The incision on the top part was just 100% painless, I felt nothing, and there was a little sting underneath when they took that off but again not much.
First day was tender but ok, much less pain than I thought I'd have, it's sort of like the sting that you feel if you have a scraped knee, more than anything.
Ditto day 3 and 4. Honestly the worst part was waking up with night-time erections, that was sore, actually proper sore. I took a lot of Lysine powder seems to ease off the erections. I did get a bit of bleeding. The swelling was quite a lot, more than I expected. It's quite bruised and awful looking the first few days. It looked terrible actually.
Day five/six was really sore for some reason, I took some pain killers and rested a lot.
Today it's all starting to settle down and the colour is fading out. Most of the stitches look good but one is sort of over-tight and a bit uncomfortable. One side is a bit more swollen but ok.
I'm a tiny bit concerned that they may have taken off too much since I'm a grower, and I fail to see how I'm going to get 7" out of the skin that's left, I have maybe 2" of shaft skin and some more of the inner skin, I think it's what they call low and tight, but my good friend who is an oncologist tells me that it will stretch and is making a lot of terrible jokes since my girlfriend is a yoga fanatic.
Honestly, for pain, I'd say it's not a worry, it was really not too bad at all for me. Do be prepared for it to look awful the first week. Like really, it looks dreadful. Expect a war zone for the first week.
If you're a big lad that shrinks to nothing when flaccid, maybe mention that? Otherwise best of luck, and don't stress
Hey bud. You'll be fine. The only 2 issues I had was early mornings when most men have an erection. I had a habit of flexing it and that hurts. Don't do that. You can pop a stitch. 2) I kept getting the suture ends caught in my briefs. Keep it wrapped in light gauze before pulling the briefs on.