About 2 years ago i got ed from masturbating. I was masturbating and when i went to ejaculate i put both my legs on top of my penis as to not shoot out any semen wich caused a pulsing pain on my penis and a retrograde orgasm . Since then i have never been able to get fully hard nor maintain an erection. I have tried sildenafil and it doesn't produce the wanted results. Every ultrasound i have done is normal and i got circumcised a month ago cause my doctor told me i had type 1 phimosis and i figured maybe it will help. Can it be related to my pelvic muscles? One doctor told me to check out the health of my sperm incase there is some sort of bacteria. Is it possible to get ed from uti's or sti's? I have never been sexually active (due to this problem) and i am doubtful that i could have gotten infected from some kind of disease. It could be phycological but i really doubt that too since its like i cant feel my penis almost. I have also gotten my testosterone levels checked it was in the 1100s so thats not the problem either. I read something about a nerve that travels from the brain all the way to the penis and thats what sends the signal for an erection, could it be that i have somehow fried this nerve? I need help since this has affected my life greatly. Thank you for reading!
Ed out of thin air?? Help me! - Men's Health Foru...
Ed out of thin air?? Help me!

why would you bring yourself to orgasm and then prevent ejaculation in such a way. Why bother bringing yourself to orgasm??
If you feel that you may have caused nerve damage then perhaps a neurologist may be able to investigate that for you.
you’ll be fine. You’re probably overstimulated to a point your brain don’t enjoy things anymore. I’m going thru something similar, shut down social media, greyscale phone, block YouTube and adult sites. Exercise and eat right, (supplements). Go outside and enjoy life! In a month your will start changing.
I do feel like this but i have stopped watching porn i exercised and ate right before my circumcision. Now i do spend a lot of time on my phone so this may not help, but whenever an erection tries to manifest itself (???) i get a weird pain and some type of suffocating/choking feeling towards the tip. Idk
Eating right should obviate the need for supplements unless you have a medical condition that stops you taking in the nutrients from your food. If that is the case then you need to see a doctor.
Can thrombophilia affect erection health? My dad and his sister has it and it is very likely that i do too
Whether ir not it is affecting your current situation you should definitely get tested for this health problem because of the risks of various forms of thrombosis
“Tests for thrombophilia include complete blood count (with examination of the blood film), prothrombin time, partial thromboplastin time, thrombodynamics test, thrombin time and reptilase time, lupus anticoagulant, anti-cardiolipin antibody, anti-β2 glycoprotein 1 antibody, activated protein C resistance, fibrinogen tests, factor V Leiden and prothrombin mutation, and basal homocysteine levels. Testing may be more or less extensive depending on clinical judgement and abnormalities detected on initial evaluation
For hereditary cases, the patient must have at least two abnormal tests plus family history.”