I have stapler circumcision 18 days ago.After the circumcision my penis became red and heavy swelling.Due to that swelling the stapler pins came out very early proper healing was not done.My doctor said that the wound is opened.He gave me hydroheal ointment for open wound ,chymoral forte for swelling and antibiotics too. Open wound started healing no worries about that.
My major concern is donut shaped swelling behind the glans its the same from day 1 to day 18.
The doctor who did the surgery he said it will go.
For second opinion i asked another urologist he said the opened wound will completely heals in 2 months and gets full strengh.
He also said that donut shaped swelling doesn't go it will stays lifetime.
Whoom i should believe is it stays lifetime or will it go.
Im in huge huge depression.please someone tell me has any anyone gone through this.