I'm at the six week marker after circumcision. I have behaved and followed all of the instructions to make sure this heals well!
I don't have any issue with tightness anymore, but I do have a small amount of skin that folds over the rim of the glans. This happens a lot.
This is uncomfortable because it folds the scar line, and means that my glans is not getting used to being fully exposed, it"s also uncomfortable when working as it pops in and out, and I have a manual job.
I've been back to the surgeons and they reassure me that this will tighten up and the glans will remain uncovered all the time. I'm not so sure.
It is worrying me because its so uncomfortable having the glans continually pop in and out. I also hate how it looks, and I'm just praying it sorts itself out so I don't have to have a revision.
I'm not sure I believe the surgeons as the swelling is not too bad now, and I think that not enough skin was removed.
Have anyone else had this issue, and it has resolved like they say it will?