The stitches are out! And it’s feeling so much better.
Just sharing an update, read my previous post for the starting journey. since then, it’s been quite an easy ish journey.
the hardest things for me were - the stitches were poking in my glans when I moved or got a semi, and my balls were hurting bad cause I hadn’t released since 2 days before the cut.
Night erections seemed to get better each night, the pain subsided and it just felt uncomfortable to the point I felt like I was awake all night on day 13 because I couldn’t think of anything else but how my balls were hurting and if there was a way I could stroke. I didn’t, but on night 14 I gave in and watched porn for like 45 mins and simply held my d without moving and bust a nut. It was crazy!
It wasn’t entirely enjoyable, I got a super big head at the point of climax so each shot was quickly followed by panic if I had done damage or will do on the next I tried my hardest not to tense - which was almost impossible. Thankfully no issues, just had to shower to clean up and check everything was ok it was and haven’t done anything since. Although my balls are starting to hurt again but will wait as long as I can!
From day 14 I had been messing with my stitches and untying them where I could to pull them out.
I had 15 originally, 1 came out stuck on the gauze day 2, from day 14 I got a couple of over the first couple days then yesterday I got the last 5 out because they were much more brittle. So last night was the first night sleep without stitches. The only thing that woke me up was multiple hardons that were rubbing on my boxers. Not uncomfortable just a new feeling.
I’m day 19, really looking forward to playing with it soon. couple of questions for those ahead of me
1, the swelling under the glans - will this get getter or go? (It’s both sides)
2, the scar line is quite hard and large - does this reduce and soften up at all? And Tips for scar control - should I be putting any pressure on the scar with bio oil to work it out a bit or soften it?
3, tips for first wank.
4, Any feedback on how the pic looks
Also, I’m happy to answer any questions
This group has been a great source for me - so thanks guys