Hi everyone,
I was circumcised last thursday, so 4th day post-op. I had many adhesions so during surgery they had to pull quite a bit. Here's what worries me : I have a huge bruise that covers half of the shaft from the frenulum to the bottom, and a bit of yellow stuff coming from the edge of the frenulum. I cannot wear boxers, because whenever the area behind the frenulum rubs against the boxers it hurts like hell. I'm just naked at home, and there is no pain whatsoever if I just rest. Yesterday I drove to the emergency room after calling the health line, the nurse said I was gonna need a debridement (that the doctor was going to « wash » the wound painfully. But then she called urology, described what she saw, and the resident said it was allll perfectly normal and that I could go home, and that they weren't gonna prescribe antibiotic (the yellow stuff DID stain my boxers a little bit, like 4 spots). There is also dried blood around the wound cause I bled a bit the first two nights. I had many erections last night, none too painful, I went back to sleep each time and slept relatively well. I also do not have a fever. But all I'm seeing and reading is making me freak out, the nurse freaked me out too, and message box of the urology department is full. I do not know what to do to calm down. I can't seem to find anyone who had an experience like mine. I also can't see the stitches unless I pull a little but that seems to be the case for many of you. Anyway, if you've got any hint at all it would be immensely appreciated. If anybody has had BAD bruising, pain when the frenulum area rubs, and a bit of yellow stuff at the edge of the frenulum, all that after the 4th day, please let me know so that I know there is hope.
Thank you.