I did penis straightening surgery 2 m... - Men's Health Foru...

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I did penis straightening surgery 2 months ago... anyone who has experience?

Lonestarr profile image
18 Replies

Wonder if anyone here has experience... and can share on healing time... erections are painful and feels it has swelling still

Aching pain inside the shaft comes and goes...

Feeling movement sometimes.. not sure if it's swelling going up and down.. or partial erections that feel different..

.... the length seams a lot shorter during erections, not sure if because if swelling or the surgery.. I know some shortenness will happen from the surgery.

I also did circumcision at the same time...

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18 Replies
JohnNicola profile image

Two months does seem like a long time for healing, but have you talked to your doctor? He is the best one to be able to advise you. I had Peyrones repair (straightening) several years ago and it did take a couple of months to be able to comfortably get an erection.

DES-Son profile image

What you're describing is almost the same as what I was feeling two months into my recover as well. I had surgical straightening over 23 years ago. For me, the sensitivity around the neck (circumcision site) healed up in a couple of months as the stitches dissolved. I actually remember having one particular knot that stayed below the surface of the skin on the circumcision line that was painful and irritating for some time...once it worked it's way to the surface and fell out, all of the "circumcision" discomfort went away. But I still had deep aching pain in the shaft of the penis, particularly during nocturnal erections for about 6 months or so. I had a Nesbit tuck procedure which led to internal stitches on the erectile columns deep in the penis (these would not work to the surface). I could actually feel the deep stitches through the shaft skin so I knew there were still stitches there. Pain and aching lessened with time, but the turning point really came when the one of the dissolvable stitch that was the area where I felt the most aching was finally weakened enough that it snapped during a nocturnal erection. The snapping was pretty painful, but the pain only lasted for a few minutes then ached pretty badly that day. However, a day or so after it snapped, the pain got much better from there on out. I've often wondered if the prolonged aching that went on for a months was because that particularly tight stitch was tight and pulling on internal tissue during every erection. I double checked with my urologist to make sure that there wasn't any issue when that happened. I wasn't sexually active at the time so I can't speak to anything along those lines. I could still feel the remnants one internal stitch for a year or more before it dissolved but it wasn't bothersome after the main stitch snapped. Long story short, once all of the stitches dissolved internally, the pain and aching went away altogether for me. Having said all that, I would keep in contact with your urologist/surgeon. If you're worried that something isn't going right with the healing, your urologist would know best. So I would definitely bring it up to them to ensure that internal healing is going well.

As for the shortening, I lost about over an inch (3cm or so) in length. I didn't have Peyroine's; I had congenital penile curvature (or CPC) and my erection had been curved since puberty. Simply put, one of my erectile columns was longer than the other naturally and removing of that tissue to straighten the erection did require the removal of a fair amount of tissue which led to some significant shortening. I have to say that I haven't missed the extra length; in fact, I've looked at the advantages of being shorter and straight rather than being curved and longer. The trade off was more than worth it to me. I'm very happy now I'm past all the recovery pain and I haven't had pain or aching for over 22 years. I wish you well in your recovery...hang in there...the pain and aching will lessen and eventually end if you stay on the same track I did. But what you're describing is almost the same as what I was feeling two months into my recover as well.

Lonestarr profile image
Lonestarr in reply to DES-Son

Thank you for sharing your experience.. about healing time and the different stitching causing the pain.. also had the congenital variety... it sounds like you also did circumcision as I did? I'm kind of worried I will miss the forskin in my alone time..

DES-Son profile image

I can't speak to missing foreskin, as I was already circumcised prior to surgery. However, as with any penile surgery that requires degloving (cutting around the neck of the penis to get to the surgery site deeper), nerves can be cut and I did have cut nerves. For me the pain during recovery masked the sensitivity difference initially (I wasn't sexually active at the time so I just let things heal). But once I was healed up completely I noticed some areas that were once really sensitive were not as sensitive, but other areas that had minimal sensitivity before surgery were much more sensitive. Similar "compensation" occurring in men pre and post-circumcision has been shown in medical studies to be common. In fact, getting used to the "new" sensitivity in certain areas was probably something that took more to get used to than having diminished sensitivity in other areas. I wish you a good recovery.

Lonestarr profile image
Lonestarr in reply to DES-Son

How do i know if it's healed aside from not aching anymore? The aching is at times unbearable..

Not sure if it's swollen but I feel the forskin being very stretched during erections.. hope that becomes looser cuz now it tuggs on the part that is healing.. and hurts.. also nothing to stroke really Also taking care of the sexual drive now is difficult and hard to avoid for to long periods... any tips?

DES-Son profile image
DES-Son in reply to Lonestarr

Honestly, following up with your doc is the sure bet to know how things are healing inside.

Over the counter pain medications were a huge help for me before bed to help with nocturnal erection pain. Or if I got an erection while awake I wouldn’t feed whatever though/desire was driving it so it wouldn’t prolong. I would take over the counter pain meds if it caused aching afterwards.

As for sex drive, that’s a difficult one for me to answer. I was sexually inactive at the time I relied on wet dreams for ejaculation throughout the healing process and over the next 18 months (until I got married) which was a huge help. Everything was totally healed by then. I think the last time I had any pain or aching after surgery was 6-7 months afterwards.

Lonestarr profile image
Lonestarr in reply to DES-Son

I since a about week have had severe pain and it feels like bubbles or fluids under the skin moving from the pelvic area into the penis at times.. is this something you remember experiencing?I also today during work.. felt extremely stimulated completely passively, was difficult to ignore the sensation and focus on work... and now after work, it's pain and bubbles again

I've gotten stronger painkillers to deal with the new pains.. but it's helping partly.. I'm worried if this is normal healing or something else... my doctor thinks it's healing normally... and he was perplexed that I was feeling pain in a flaccid state and not during erections... erections aren't so bad anymore.. but I don't think I get many full ones.. more partial ...

DES-Son profile image
DES-Son in reply to Lonestarr

I didn't have exactly what you were describing. But I had what I termed a "prickling" sensation between months ~2-4 post-surgery that I recognized as my stitches dissolving. When flaccid it was like the stitches weren't tight anymore and they could wiggle around a little which gave this prickling sensations on the internal tissue as they moved. To me that sensation felt a little more like itching or even tickling under the skin and deep in the erectile tissues. Not sure if the bubble/fluid feeling you're describing is anything like that or perhaps just the way your brain is interpreting the loosening stitches. Unlike you however, it did not radiate from my pelvis, it was always penile.

My shaft was "sore" a fair amount during the day and I just tossed it up to stitches being pulled during nocturnal erections. In fact, about four months after surgery my last stitch snapped during a nocturnal erection and my shaft felt sore for a few days after that, even when it was flaccid. For me, I think I had such a fear of erections that I subconsciously shut them down for so long that for a while they ended up being more partial than full (unless I was asleep). It just may be a defense mechanism you've built up to prevent pain. That issue with non-rigid erections went away for me after all the post-surgery healing was done. If it continues to hurt or you just feel something isn't right, I'd keep pressing your doc or even get a second opinion from another doctor if that's an option for you.

As for the sensitivity, you may want to check to see if you might have a prostate infection. I got a prostate infection after surgery that was likely from the catheter they used during surgery. I didn't realize it for a few months because I was dealing with post-recovery penis pain. I've had prostatitis a few times now and each time I have a flare (including after surgery) sensitivity often goes through the roof. I got an antibiotic for that prostatitis infection after surgery and it took the symptoms, including sensitivity down. Not sure if you're experiencing something like that, but it wouldn't hurt to ask your doctor.

Lonestarr profile image
Lonestarr in reply to DES-Son

It's painful now in my scrotum.. could that be the prostate?

I feel pain almost all the time not just with erections

Have hardly slept for month's

I feel that my pain could be related to my penis tightening when flaccid.. and gets kund of hard while flaccid..

DES-Son profile image
DES-Son in reply to Lonestarr

Prostate pain is often felt in the scrotum, testicles, lower back, penis and even the area right behind your scrotum (perineum...where you would sit on a bike). I've felt prostate pain in all of these different areas with the testicles and scrotum feeling particularly "achy". But only your doc will know whether your pain is due to prostatitis or whether you've something else going on. Like I said, pain isn't normal and it's a sign that something is going on so I'd see if you can get a firm diagnosis so you can get the right treatment and get back on your feet and back to sleeping well at night.

I completely hear you when you say you've hardly slept for months, I was the same way. Just know that there's light at the end of the tunnel. Honestly, recovering from this surgery is the most difficult physical thing I've ever done in my life - and I can say that with 24 years of time between when I had my surgery and now. Losing a lot of sleep can start taking a toll mentally as well, so I hear you. I hope you're just about out of the woods with recovery. Hopefully the pain you're having now is something that can be easily treated.

Lonestarr profile image
Lonestarr in reply to DES-Son

I get some relief with pills 💊 otherwise the pain feels like my penis is on fire.. also the glans get more painfully sensitive again when it's like that...

I will try and get a more thorough diagnosis.. the doctor that did the procedure don't understand my pain..

Lonestarr profile image
Lonestarr in reply to DES-Son

The pain is unbearable... don't think my new pills are working... wake upp every two hours and feel extreme pain...

DES-Son profile image
DES-Son in reply to Lonestarr

I’d consider seeking medical attention. You shouldn’t be in that much discomfort and pain. Sorry that you’re not doing well.

Lonestarr profile image
Lonestarr in reply to DES-Son

Yes I'm trying but not easy to get listened to...

DES-Son profile image
DES-Son in reply to Lonestarr

Sometimes surgeons seem done with you after they’ve finished surgery. I had a similar experience. If you have a primary care or GP (not sure if you’re in Europe or North America), they are often more apt to listen to your concern and act in your behalf.

Lonestarr profile image
Lonestarr in reply to DES-Son

I'm in Europe, Sweden

Lonestarr profile image
Lonestarr in reply to DES-Son

Worried I won't feel good again .. scared I don't like to masterbate ever again or like the result

DES-Son profile image
DES-Son in reply to Lonestarr

Hej, hej. I just moved this conversation over to the chat.

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