I’m 44 years old and I’ve been dealing with tight foreskin for a very long time. Several years ago I had the courage to ask my doctor and was referred to a Urologist. The urologist prescribed a steroid topical cream and it helped a little because I was able to retract to urinate. However, it’s still tight and uncomfortable during sex. Recently I told my doctor during a physical that I’m still dealing with the pain of having tight foreskin and again was referred to a urologist. Am I too old to be thinking of having a circumcision? If not, what should I say so this time around something gets done. Any help will be appreciated. Thanks!
Considering Circumcision: I’m 44 years... - Men's Health Foru...
Considering Circumcision

Well you're certainly not too old to be thinking about circumcision. I had mine done at 68. I was dealing with phimosis and very tight foreskin which would sometimes tear during sex that resulted in skin bridges where the skin sticks to the glans. After two types of cream and trying to stretch the skin using coconut oil, I was left with no option but circumcision. That was 15 months ago sex is now much easier but still can't get used to masturbating without foreskin. Also find I need to be well lubed.I would have a really good conversation with your urologist about different methods, benefits and drawbacks before you decide. I'm not sure what's available in US, maybe more options than I had which was a traditional cut with stitches

Thank you for the suggestion. I will definitely talk to my urologist before doing the procedure. That’s one of my concerns is the feeling of masturbating with no foreskin. Had you k own that would happen would you still have circumcised?
I don't think I could have carried on the way it was. In addition to the circumcision the consultant had to cut free the stuck skin which was a big part of the problem. So I don't regret having it done, it just feels very different when masturbating. I used to enjoy the feeling of the foreskin sliding up and down over the glans, but being pain-free and not having to worry when having sex is worth it
Yes it is my concern, too. I wonder the less sensitive of the glans when we masturbate without foreskin. Surely we have to use lube for masturbation after circumsion, that means your glans will be directly touched. My case is daily!
The glans isn't actually as sensitive as most men assume, and for intact men it's usually the inner foreskin that provides most of the sensitivity. Even for circumcised men, the glans isn't the most sensitive part (it's usually the frenular delta or scar line).
That said, if sex or masturbation is painful, and things like stretching and steroid creams don't help, then surgery may be the best way forward, though preputioplasty or even a dorsal slit might work better for some people than circumcision.
44 definitely isn't too old by the way.
Thanks for your informative response. It is actually great to concern. A little curious, did you get circumsion? If yes at what age?
I agree it is never "too old" to get circumsion if it bothers your life and sex life. I believe based on aging process, our foreskin would be longer. I am thinking about my circumsion, too, but just because of "prettier look".
Yep definitely get it done…put an instant end to your problem…...had mine done when I was 64…..so glad I did
I’m 50… and about to have it done after seeing urologist this week. I’ve put of asking for help with tight foreskin for years - docs advice is it will be much better. No nope - not too young!
OK guys! So I've been worrying about "the problem" for several years. Crunch came when the foreskin became attached to the shoulder of the glans - most uncomfortable, and sore. So I've seen a consultant privately. I'm due for my Big Little Op on 4th July (whoopie!) and I'm pretty apprehensive. My family doctor now knows what's going on, and is most sympathetic. My wife is also supportive. Why am I tell you all this? I'm 75 in August and I consider that it's better to get it done now while I'm more able to cope with inconveniences, etc than even later in life !P
I believe you can also try a dorsal slit procedure if your provider thinks it could help. Here’s more infobaus.org.uk/_userfiles/page...
I had mine done 2 years ago at age 70 for similar reasons. Phimosis and reocurring infections called balatinitis. It hurt to have it done but was well worth the pain. I am pleased with the visual and tactile results. No more pain and infections, and no problem retracting my foreskin or pain during sex.. I could not retract my foreskin. When I first presented my problems to the urologist (USA) he suggested circumcision as an option. I did not take the circ advise first but tried the creams. It did not help so I opted for the surgery. Explain these concerns with your doctor and that you need relief.
Gosh guys ... Male Genital Mutilation is the very worst thing a man could do to his body. Foreskin tugging will solve the problem without having to lose the most sensitive tissue on your body .. which is not in the glans, but in the inner foreskin. See
I’ve tried it all to keep my foreskin but did not have any success. I don’t know if it’s because I have a very tight frenulum as well but trust me if I could save my foreskin I would. I just feel like at this point circumcision is the only solution to my problem.
Why is this? I had similar issues and am Irish, went along to my GP aged 20 and this is what he recommended! Am 40 now and everything has been absolutely fine since! It rectified the tightness and recurring infections as well as getting rid of that excess over hang of skin! It's also much cleaner now as I couldn't even wash properly beforehand! I've had no problems at all since then!
I’m new here but I’ve noticed every one of your replies is aligned to your agenda of circumcision being not necessary in any case, I’ve also noticed an absence of posts saying that surgery is being performed for cosmetic reasons
I would be more comfortable with support for my autonomy to choose how I address my medical needs and engage with experts for guidance on options, I’m pleased you can voice your opinion on this forum
can I say for me your replies are not helping me come to terms with a very difficult decision guided by experts, your journey and experience is yours, others have a different experience it’s a little disrespectful to discount the challenges of others and make sweeping statements about the need for circumcision as guided by medical experts, I have enough trauma without some random person telling me I gave up on other options to soon or I’ve mutilated myself due to a lack of understanding.
Still peddling your negative shit i see Rood….if anyone has the misfortune of Rood appearing on their questions just report him,all he does is denigrate the people on this this site and try and discourage people who are trying to get support and useful info with regards to a difficult and personal decision.He deserves an immediate and permanent ban for his comments and behavior here.
I understand the problem, but you will be giving up far too quickly. Tugging on the foreskin to create new skin cells can't be done overnight ... It takes time. The thing is ... tugging ALWAYS works, except for the guys who give up. Think about it. OK?
Disagree... it didn't work for me. Unless you conside 20 years of trying to stretch not a long enough time. Comments like this can maje those of us who had no other option feel like a failure and have a negative impact on our mental health.
Totally agree buddy - I found attempts at stretching just made everything feel worse… I suspect that’s in part down to eczema on top of the other problems!!
Consultant was very clear in my case that nothing else was going to work - and this was only sensible option. Choice was
A) learn to live with it
B) have the op
I’ve been trying the learning to live with it for too long.
I was the same. It was just getting worse as time passed. I couldn't retract at all - flacid or erect
I’m beginning to feel they need another “reaction” other than ❤️ To a post… I don’t want to “love” that it got worse and worse for you!!
Seriously - I’ve found this decision really tough after ages of trying and dealing with it without surgery. 99% of the comments on here have been brilliant and supportive from guys who have experienced what I’ve been going through… and are pleased with the result of surgery (despite the few weeks on pain and recovery!)
I’ve yet to see a reply from someone who had surgery and regretted it… which also helps give me confidence.
Yet there are one or two really negative comments urging people not to do this… and I’m struggling to understand why. Wonder if they’ve experienced these problems themselves and resolved some other way…. Or had surgery and regretted it. If not - can help wonder on what basis they think they’re well placed to offer such advice. 🤔
Don’t listen to Rood…all he does on this site is try and put people off circumcision,stretching and creams are only helpful in mild cases of phimosis…circumsision is the only option with a more sever case,I don’t know why this guy hasn’t been banned from the site tbh,he certainly should be.
I don't think you are too old. I am now 6 months post op and wish I had it done years ago. Personally the feeling is so much better than before.
Best not to have circumcision. I had mine at 72 and don’t like it.

A note to all on this thread. Please make sure you read the guidance on taking part if you haven't already (healthunlocked.com/mensheal...
And particularly be aware of our approach to the discussion of circumcision:
HealthUnlocked is designed to be a safe space where people can chat with others going through a similar health journey to them and to gain emotional support.
This includes males who have had a circumcision or are considering one for health reasons.
By posting to this forum about circumcision (yours or anyone else’s), you accept the following:
- many circumcisions in the world today are not medical necessary
- some circumcisions (and health professionals disagree about how many) may be medically necessary
- nobody should be circumcised without their consent.
This is not a place for promoting circumcision generally, for fetishising it or indeed for blanket opposition to it. If you can’t accept that, please don’t post. You may be restricted without further warning.
Thanks everyone
I'm 38 and had mine done 4 weeks ago. Like you I had an issue with tight foreskin for years, I wish I went and got it done sooner, but still much happier now it's done. At the end of the day, it should be your choice, so tell your urologist you would like to have it done due to the recurring phimosis. I chose to use the ZSR method, and have no complaints at all, it was all done under a local anesthetic and took about 15 minutes. The most painful part was the needle for the local anesthetic, but I certainly felt the clamps when they were used. Recovery has also been very easy. I'm not sure how common ZSR is in America, I'm in Australia and could only find one doctor in my city who did ZSR