I am going to be getting circumcised for religious reasons. The wants me to get a high and tight style. If I removal the frenulum will there still be much feeling there? And will the Glans still have feeling or be more numb feeling? I have kept my foreskin retracted for many, many years and the glans is always expose will it still feel like it does now? And for the ones that have a high and tight result does you inner foreskin that is left; does it still produce a little moisture? Thanks for all info and experiences.
Circumcision Info/Experiences - Men's Health Foru...
Circumcision Info/Experiences

Do you mean: "They wants me to get a high and tight style."? Starting point is wrong. It's your decision to circumcise yourself, if that is what you really want. Use your brains and common sense. Why any belief system wants a man to cut part of his body? Are you then closer to ...?
If you keep you foreskin retracted, I think you are clean enough to pray. There won't be urine on you glans then.
Luckily you have a choice to do. Have you already checked "Bris Shalom". You can have a new cultural name without cut.
If something goes wrong on operation you may lose sensitivity on frenulum area or glans. Your glans is used to touch already. Sensitivity on glans is similar after op, if it will be successful. If frenulum area were cut too deep, you will loose nerve endings there and you'll get most of the sensual pleasure on glans and scar line.
Hight & Tight means that your shaft skin won't go over glans corona when erect.
There is always sweat on skin and you need to wash yourself like now. You will find your precum on your undies or whatever you wear. There is no difference.
Some of my text didn't take writing this at the beginning. Should read "The wife" wants me. Me and her researched out the different styles and she likes the high and tight style. Just trying to see some peoples experiences on a few things and what they have to say about it. Yes you are correct, means the shaft skin wont cover the glans when erect, and leaves the scar line close to the middle of the shaft. This is for religious purposes, the wife and I discussed styles and so forth, but I will be doing it.
Ok. Thanks for the clarification. Do you have any issue with your foreskin now? Adult circumcision is a cosmetic procedure. Make sure you'll get what you want.
no issues its very loose, only issues my wife doesn't is the downward bend of the glans do to the frenulum. Yeah I'm just looking for experiences ect. but I will be sure to make the right selection because there isn't any going back.
Is your wife Jewish? Is that the religious reason?

No my wife isn't Jewish. It is for my religion, me and my wife just discussed it together. Needing info and experiences on a few things.
Trying to understand. What is your religion?

I am Jewish, I never had a circumcision due to medical illness as an infant and as a child I was to weak to have one that is what my mother was told.
I am sorry to hear that you had such difficult early years. Have you found a Mohel to do the circumcision for you?

It okay my health and system have gotten a lot strong since then I will always be sickly. There is a Jewish hospital 2 hours from me where I will be having it done.
I think what the other guys are trying to say is that it is obviously a big decision to make if there is no medical reason for the surgery.
In addition to that, you are your own person and so what your wife prefers is really not important. (God forbid) you were to ever divorce, this is a decision that you will continue to live with so you should really get the cut you want, definitely not what anybody else prefers.
However, my circumcision experience has been great. I have not got a tight cut but everything is fine for me, relatively no loss of sensitivity or pleasure. Apart from the scar line that continues to subside (9 months since i was circ'd) everything is in good working order.
A high and tight in my opinion does tend to have a few more complications - mostly due to more skin being removed. If you want that cut, go for it and be happy.
However, any loss of sensitivity or changes to stimulation can be of varying degrees especially after recovery. How worth it is it to just get cut when there are no medical issues? I don't want to sound preachy or like I'm being rude towards your religious decision but it's different if a child grows up and only knows a circ sensitivity etc. Make sure you are making the decision for you.
Hi Alan, I understand your religious conviction and the fact that you have been preparing yourself for this operation, having kept your foreskin retracted for many years will definitely be helpful. The high and tight ones can cause problems later when it comes to vigorous activity so please choose a very good doctor that has great results and feedback from previous clients as this is a bit more serious and there’s no turning back as you already know so please also think of yourself and I wish you all the best.

Thank you for the info. I will discuss a lot of this with the doctor, may go moderately tight I wouldn't want any problems.
I have the type of circumcision you are looking at (high/tight/frenulum removed) and I have experienced no loss of sensitivity sexually. Everything feels as good as it ever did to me. If you already have frenulum breve, it would almost certainly benefit you to have it removed.
This doesn’t make sense as it stands. I don’t believe there’s any religious purpose here at all, that just sounds like a made up reason.
To answer the question, your glans will be the same as now and not really any different to retraction. Obviously if there’s no frenulum there any more then you’ll no longer feel it so yes you’ll likely feel less sensitivity in that area. However some report their sensation increased there after circumcision so maybe the scar became sensitive in those instances.

Yes there is a religious purpose, I was sickly when I was born and as a child and it was never done.