Two weeks post circumcision.
For first 13 days my urination flow was bang on. But today it's been spraying in two directions ultimately meaning I have to sit down and wee.
Is this normal in the healing process?
Thank you
Two weeks post circumcision.
For first 13 days my urination flow was bang on. But today it's been spraying in two directions ultimately meaning I have to sit down and wee.
Is this normal in the healing process?
Thank you
I have heard that before about other guys that need to sit to pee because of the sprinkle everywhere
Yes, that is normal for a while!
Normal forever? Or while healing?
Its normal buddy it will go away after a while once the recovery is complete till then sit and spray 🤘🏻
Spraying urine is common for a while after circumcision because the swelling distorts your meatus (piss slit). One is advised to sit to urinate until the swelling subsides enough to allow a coherant jet. You WILL get full control back once the swelling subsides. Indeed your aim will be much better if you didn't previously retract your foreskin to piss. This is because the foreskin is actually designed to break up the neat jet from your meatus into a spray to facilitate 'scent marking' which other mamals do, but humans have no need of.
use some vasaline on tip a few times a day mine cleared up after 4 days back to normal