47 year old male, being taking a small steroid (very weak) for another condition (around a year now) which is working well. I am uncircumcised, and around taking this (i'm sure it tallies), I get a morning discharge on waking up.
White liquid, sometimes yellowy, before jumping in the shower.
Foreskin has always been tight since a child, but always got by with keeping it clean.
I don't really want a circumcision at my age, and sex has never been a problem or ejacluation.
It can't be an STD as i have long term partner and she is clean. Could this be Thrush?
No pain, itching, or stinging when peeing, and it doesn't really smell. I'm sure it's coming from between foreskin and penis, (in fact i know it is).
I have tried washing in bath which helps, and even tea tree oil, etc and other known remedies.
I am not sure if this is due to the medication or not, but can't seem to stop it.
Tried a Flucanzole tablet but it didn't do much, and Canesten cream but was difficult to get cream down to the area, but now alongside other symptoms (chesty tickly cough for few months), GP thinks it may be thrush from tablet side effects, so been put on 7 days of Doxycycline 100mg.
GP didnt see me or examine, but don't really want to go down that route, if he says Circumcision, if its just thrush, as I know there can be complications, and I wouldn't lookforward to that procedure!
Coming to the end now, but discharge still there, but possibly a little better?
Any remedies for this and what it sounds like?