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Partial Circumcision Healing Nhs

Ridscott85 profile image
21 Replies

Hi All

I had mild phimosis and after using various steroid creams which didn't work was recommended a circumcision.

After surgery my penis is extremely bruised and swollen and it looks like I have only been given a partial circumcision as only half the glans is visible (not sure if this will change when the swelling goes down)

Has anybody else had a partial circumcision, as there is still some foreskin the stitches are underneath that so incredibly painfull pulling the foreskin back when I have a shower to clean

I'm only 7 days in to recovery and also wake up from incredibly painful erection during the night

If anyone has any similar experience would love to hear how your recovery went and when it got a little less painful to pull remaining foreskin back

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Ridscott85 profile image
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21 Replies
Man7Cut profile image

7 days us too early to tell what the final result will be. I had quite a few bruises from the injections and my penis and balls were swollen to about 3 times usual size. It was also impossible to see the stitches.Night erections were extremely uncomfortable, like everything was going to tear. If you lie on your side and draw your knees up to your chest, it helps somewhat, but they are a nuisance for a week or so.

I'm 4 years in, but my glans is not completely exposed when soft but I need the skin when I'm erect, so maybe depends if you're a shower or a grower.

Ridscott85 profile image
Ridscott85 in reply to Man7Cut

Thank you your reply, yes same with the swelling as well so hoping that goes down too. Yes I read that it is best in adults to have a partial in case of increase in size when having erections

Can I ask did you pull back the foreskin where the stitches are to clean or did you wait until the swelling went down first?

I have tried a couple of times in the morning to pull back to let water run on the stitches but is very painful so wasn't sure whether to leave it for time being

Thank you for advice about sleeping on the side I will try that

Man7Cut profile image
Man7Cut in reply to Ridscott85

Well I just sat and soaked in warm water until I could pull it back after the swelling went down a bit. It was too sore early on. Hopefully you can get some advice from your surgeon if you are finding it difficult.

I have heard of guys being cut too tight which causes problems when erect

Ridscott85 profile image
Ridscott85 in reply to Man7Cut

Thank you, tbh I hadn't even considered having a bath as I never have them but will try that instead!

Garik profile image
Garik in reply to Ridscott85


I also had similar circumcision, about 60% of the head is still covered with foreskin. So how I was cleaning.

First days was very hard and it was painful to pull back the skin. I had a doctor visit on day 6 and he said that I need to try my best to clean up and put some cream that he prescribed for better healing and not infecting.

So I was doing my best to try to slowly pull back the skin, expose stitches, clean up and put the cream.

I’m on day 14 now and I can now easily pull back the foreskin all the way and properly clean.

Ridscott85 profile image
Ridscott85 in reply to Garik

Thank you garik glad to hear it is getting easier.. I wasn't prepared really for how uncomfortable it has been!

I'm trying my best to clean but like you said has been very painful.

Arclight1979 profile image
Arclight1979 in reply to Ridscott85

I wasn't prepared either, don't feel bad about that. I was so focused on the actual operation I gave the recovery period absolutely no thought. I might not have gone through with it if I'd known what was coming. :)

Ridscott85 profile image
Ridscott85 in reply to Arclight1979

Thank you.. Yes last night was really difficult I hardly got much sleep. I feel like the erections I get in my sleep have torn a couple of my stitches. The one near my frenulum is so sore as I managed to peel my foreskin back a little and it was really red and looked open but there was a stitch there so hoping it will heal.

I feel as though if it wasn't for these nightly erections my recovery would be so much easier, just praying they get a little easier soon!

Arclight1979 profile image
Arclight1979 in reply to Ridscott85

I hear you, I had the same. Woke up a few times in the first two weeks with blood and terrified I'd broken a stitch... but my doc took a look and the stitch was still there.

The erections are a nightmare, but totally natural. Empty your bladder before you go to sleep, don't drink too much after 6 or 7pm, tight pants on to keep things in check, sleep on your side in the foetal position, etc.

Ridscott85 profile image
Ridscott85 in reply to Arclight1979

I may check in with my doctor to check my stitches just to put my mind at ease too!

I saw someone else suggest the tight underwear so going to try that tonight and restricting the water, fingers crossed it works!

Arclight1979 profile image
Arclight1979 in reply to Ridscott85

I still get woken up now at nearly 5 weeks healing. My nights basically go like this... 10pm get in bed, chat with the wife, sleep by 11pm. Up at 3am with a boner and need to pee, back to bed, sometimes sleep straight away, sometimes I'm up until 4 or 5, then back to sleep until 7am. It's patchy. Until my new dick becomes the new normal, I think it's gonna be patchy sleep.

Ridscott85 profile image
Ridscott85 in reply to Arclight1979

Is that wake up really painful still or just the fact you struggle to get back to sleep after going to the toilet, etc

Arclight1979 profile image
Arclight1979 in reply to Ridscott85

I just struggle to get back to sleep, always have once I've been woken up. Sometimes the boners ache a bit, but it's not like the early days when it was the stitch pain, now it's just a bit of tightness on the scar line as everything settles down.

Ridscott85 profile image
Ridscott85 in reply to Arclight1979

Thank you for the replies they have been really reassuring, in to my second week now so only improvements hopefully and will get reassurance on my stitch from the doc!

Man7Cut profile image

I found it easier than faffing about with a mug etc

Trystem profile image

So I had a partial circumcision 3 days ago to address severe phimosis (brought about by splitting and scarring). I removed the bandage the following day in the bath without incident. At 3 days post op I don’t have much bruising or swelling, apart from around the frenulum where there is swelling, a lot of sensitivity, and occasionally a little blood from the stitches. Each day has been a little better.

No issues pulling the skin all the way back to expose the stitches in the shower today.

A couple of things that are helpful to me - super soft bamboo boxers with briefs over the top to keep the penis where I put it (up for sleep and walking out of the house). A cricket box/protector between the pant layers at night has been great to protect things when I’m sleeping. I also got some low adhesion wound pads to loosely wrap around the glans (especially the frenulum) for extra protection.

Oh, lots of water around 7pm then that’s it for the night (reduces the need to pee at night and maybe the errections).

The partial circumcision wasn’t what I was expecting (at least from the urologists brief description and what little I could find on line). While he described removing the tip of the foreskin and stitching the inner and outer skin together, in reality, the foreskin seems to have been folded double and attached to the inner skin somewhere just north of the base of the glans. Not what I was expecting at all. I have about 50-60% coverage and I’m hoping that increases a bit when the frenulum swelling goes down.

It had to happen, and the initial experience has been better you have described, but the reality (especially having less coverage than indicated likely by the urologist) is a letdown.

Garik profile image
Garik in reply to Trystem


What are you doing to decrease head sensitivity?

You said about 50-60% is covered, but still the tip is touching underwear, or when you’re pulling the skin back and touching the head.

Trystem profile image
Trystem in reply to Garik

I'm not doing anything to reduce sensitivity - just taking what steps I can to reduce rubbing. Super soft boxers with briefs over the top is reducing the amount of movement and therefore the amount of rubbing. I have a 25 minute walk to work and I returned to work today (day 4). The walk down was ok with some discomfort on the tip. I've seen others here talk about a product called BioOil for managing the drying out process, but I'm not keen to be applying anything not recommended to me by a doctor until wound healing is complete.

Basically, while I hope for a little more coverage with healing, think I have to resign myself to the fact that full coverage is a thing of the past. 🙁

Ridscott85 profile image

Hi Trystem

I too have a little bit of blood from the stitches which I was slightly concerned about. I called my surgery this morning and they advised that small amounts of blood is to be expected and if having trouble pulling back the foreskin soak in a bath (with no soap in) which I have done and was a lot less painful than the shower

I have moved to tighter fitting boxers today like you have described and the difference is so much better as it is not rubbing as much as it is kept in place

Regarding coverage I would say my glans is 60 percent covered by foreskin however the end of my penis is still very swollen so this may change. I don't think mine has been folded over I think mine has been removed and stitched as your urologist described, however I haven't had the foreskin back loads because of the pain

I will try the water suggestion as that is the most painful thing for me at the moment, the nightime erections

Thank you for the reply!

Sunking62 profile image

I had that done be careful of the skin adhering to the gland, mine almost did, you want to pull it away from the gland to prevent it

Man7Cut profile image
Man7Cut in reply to Sunking62

I was too late it had to be circumcision

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