After 35 days of circumcision my urine jet came out from 2 side. Now it's really frustrating. Someone here had same experience?
35days post circumcision and urine je... - Men's Health Foru...
35days post circumcision and urine jet is "double"
Yes I was the same for quite a while. Never knew which way it was going to go. Sometimes the urethra gets a bit disrupted during the procedure and takes a while to settle down. Another thing to check is if the opening (meatus) . Before you start to pee, gently push the opening apart with your fingers to make sure it is clear. It can get stuck.
Glad I'm not the only one! I've got to sit down or I literally pee everywhere 😬
Yeah I sat down for the first two weeks otherwise I couldn't relax to pee!
Oh man this is relatable. I’m on 22 days post op. First week it just went everywhere. Could probably have watered my garden with the random coverage the stream had, so unpredictable! Glad to know it’s a thing. I still sit down to pee just in case it strikes again. Especially at work.