Hi folks, looking for some advice. I was circumcised about 3 weeks ago as I had a condition called BXO. I seem to be healing well, I’ve noticed that I’ve got a prominent vein or lumpy bit just under the head, which never used to be there . Has anyone else had this after being Circumcised? Appreciate your thoughts.
3weeks post Circumcision : Hi folks... - Men's Health Foru...
3weeks post Circumcision

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I also got this one but it’s bit painful nor it change anything and it’s less clear when perfectly erect
Hi Man, for only 3 weeks you have healed very well I think you had the glue for closing your wound it gives a very good result. I think the Mark you have around your glans is a little bit of swelling it should go away after time you could try using some Bio-Oil, massage it in to try and reduce the swelling. There seems to be no sign of your BXO or LS how long did you have the condition for? and how does your frenulum look did you have it removed is it healing up ok ?
Hiya, thanks for the reply. Had the bxo for about 1 year. The was a tight white scar going all round my foreskin making it tight and painful to retract. The frenulum was also pretty scared so the doctor removed it completely. You’re right it was done with glue.
How are you finding it now has your glans desensitized. did you try the steroid creams for a while I think it can help but in the long term it's best to have the circumcision before it spreads too much. everything looks very good I'm sure you will be very happy now that you are sorted.
I didn’t try the steroid creams as the dr thought it was to far gone to heal it. He said it might stop it getting worse but not improve it. There are also a few sign that the bxo is on the glans, dr suggested this might clear up, otherwise steroid cream will be needed.
Glans are ok, I’m finding the bit around the ridge of them/inner foreskin a bit sensitive and itchy. But hopefully this will settle down.
Your doctor has a good understanding of the condition they are right that the steroid cream would not cure the bxo. at best it might have stopped it from getting worse. now that your glans are exposed the signs of the bxo on it should clear up. I had some marks as well especially where my frenulum was attached to my glans it cleared up once it was exposed. When you are flaccid do you have any skin bunching up behind your glans I'm not sure if you are cut high or low maybe it's in between.
Nice circumcision. Beautifully exposed glans. Your surgeon did an excellent job of removing your foreskin.
Looks amazing for 3 weeks healing! Give it at least 6 weeks to really normalize - sometimes swelling really takes closer to 3 months to really resolve.
Hi Ed ! Just curious about the picture. That, in this photo , are you holding the shaft skin backward with your hand ?
Or, is this the normal condition ?
Maybe a little bit, but not much, why do you ask?
It is because, my circ looks same as yours, but for this similarity, I have to pull back the skin. If I leave it on its own, the skin bunch up near glans.
My doc left too much skin.
I see what you mean. When I’m flaccid it’s bunched up or hanging over my glans a bit, but still a bit swollen so hard to know for sure.
Seeing uroligist in a few weeks as I have phimosis/ maybe LS! You’ve healed amazingly compared to others! One thing putting me off getting cut is some of the really slow healing stories on this site! But if I could heal like yours I’d have mine cut tomorrow 👌🏽 Congrats looks perfect! Where did you get cut if you’re in the U.K.?
Yeah I know it’s a big decision, I guess you often hear about the bad/ problematic cases on line.
I’m in the Uk, although I was all lined up to have it done on the nhs, for various reasons I decided to have the opp done private at the London Circumcision center by dr Khan. It was expensive I think around £700, but I was prepared to pay as I felt I was in the best hands rather than it being out of my control by someone who reputation I don’t know.
I have a self employed manual job, so being able to book the opp just before the christmas holiday suited me well too.
I’d say that’s about the best looking 3 week post circ I’ve seen here, compared to the swelling, discharge, discoloration others post here. Where did you have it done, for what reason if I may ask, what method was used and I know it’s only 3 weeks how is the sensitivity? If you’ve been covered all your life I’m sure it’s kinda intense now.
Your circumcision looks great! After one year do you feel that everything has healed 100%? I’m on month 6 and still have discomfort around the frenulum area after I masturbate.
Hi Ed, can you send some picture before the circumcision -> I have similiar problem with BXO but I am not sure if I should have circumcision.