Long-term balanitis and regrets after... - Men's Health Foru...

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Long-term balanitis and regrets after biopsy

w84me profile image
21 Replies

Hi all, I am 32 and I have balanitis (some inflamation only on the glans) for 5 or slightly more years.

I am uncut. And things have always been alright for me.

When it appeared for the first time I did all the possible test - everything was ok.

At that point back then my immunologist and my urologist advised me to use almost the same oint or cream Pimafukort (it has natamycin, hydrocortisone, neomycin). It helped only when I used it. So I applied it from time to time sometimes forgetting about the issue.

Several years after I started to face this problem again when the oint was over. And I decided to consult different doctors. Tacropic was prescribed. As I got it it had less harmones than the previous means. And it did not help that fast but helped.

Though the thing was never cured. Then, I went to a different urologist in about 2017. And I decided that we need to take care of this thing because it was really upsetting me. It became a trial and error. With plenty of tests and medication. Nothing helped better than two creams I was already using.

I was becoming tired of all this a year after. And suddenly I got a case of alopecia areata. Maybe it appeared because of this treatment. I don't know for sure.

I am taking care of alopecia areata at the moment. Things are getting better now at least.

But the balanitis thing is still unsolved. That is why I went to a research institution taking care of dermatovenerology and cosmetology to take care of my hair and my balanitis.

So, regarding the balanitis they really advised to go through a biopsy in order to exclude lichen acuminatus as any other test gave no results at all - it was ok.

They also considered circumcision but with no 100% guarantee it would help.

So I agreed. I was very scared to be honest. The operation wen alright. And the healing went good as well. The only thing - it showed no lichen acuminatus and it was good. But I have a scar left on my glans. A small scar and the skin in that place obtained a pale colour. The thing works though (thanks!!!). But it remains an esthetic issue for me now. Not to say that the balanitis is still there and they are treating me with a mixture of Tacropic + vitamin A (retinol) + canciul + some other creams to soothen the skin.

The only helping thing is Tacropic. But balantis comes back as soon as I drop using the cream.

I know there are a lot of posts about issues like this. Just decided to share my experience here as well. What else can be given a try? I do not want to try the circumcision and see it gives no results as well.

Think twice before cutting off even a small piece of yourself!

Maybe I will write a separate post regarding the alopecia (or continue in this thread). This one is already too big.

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w84me profile image
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21 Replies

Sorry to hear that circumcision did not get rid of your balanitis. Sadly, as you were told, it is not guaranteed. Have you been tested for high blood sugar?

w84me profile image
w84me in reply to

I haven't had the circumcision yet. It was a biopsy. They only took a piece of tissue for testing. That is why there is a small scar and an area of pale skin. Like a size of a little finger nail or slightly wider. I think I am OK regarding the blood sugar levels. At least I test glucose from time to time and the levels are alright

in reply to w84me

My mistake.

I ask about your blood sugar levels as I had balanitis that was related to my diabetes medication. People with diabetes are more prone to various infections. What type of blood sugar tests have you had?

w84me profile image
w84me in reply to

That's alright :)

Hm, I am not sure exactly to be honest. But I had all the tests doctors asked me to have and none of them even hinted at diabetes. I think what I had was just a glucose test among other biochemical blood tests. Something like this.

DRWhit profile image
DRWhit in reply to w84me

Have you tried warm salt water using cool boiled water? It got rid of my balantis prior to my circumcision, no nasty drugs or steroids that end up causing other problems and are possibly behind your ongoing issues.

w84me profile image
w84me in reply to DRWhit

Actually I have not.

I tried warm baths of manganese solution - had no effect.I also tried camomile baths since it is known for its antiseptic properties. Also no effect.

What would be the salt water solution you mentioned? :)

Mzil profile image
Mzil in reply to w84me

Organic Lavender oil was recommended to me and works brilliantly. Keep your penis clean and just dowse on a few droplets neat

DRWhit profile image

I wasn’t very scientific about it, just filled a breakfast bowl up with the water then heaped 2 to 3 table spoons of standard table salt in to make sure it was easily salty enough to taste. Give it a try for a couple of weeks, won’t hurt & might help.

w84me profile image
w84me in reply to DRWhit

Thank you for the advice! I will give it a try.

Is it actually for soaking or just rinsing? I think soaking will do better. But still better to ask

DRWhit profile image
DRWhit in reply to w84me

Soaking, I was keeping it immersed for about 10-15 minutes each time, once per day. Saw a big improvement within 2 weeks.

w84me profile image
w84me in reply to DRWhit

Starting today! :) Thanks a lot!

DRWhit profile image
DRWhit in reply to w84me

Good luck 🤞

S2BC profile image

Have you ever tried to keep your foreskin retracted at least couple of weeks or a month. The different moisture balance on penis glans may help the situation similar way than circumcision.

w84me profile image
w84me in reply to S2BC

I have tried this method as well. It is not very applicable parallel to creams and oints that I had to use - I also had to apply Contractubex on my glans where the scar from the biopsy is (wouldn't say it helped that much).So, I tried to keep it open as much as possible. Within some time it got used to stay open and automatically I tend to keep it this way. But the irritation comes back after a while anyway (or as soon as you start to think you are back to normal and no need to retract it all the time).

ml66uk profile image

It sounds like you may already know more about balanitis than anyone here, but you might find something new in these links, especially the third:



patient.info/doctor/balanit... (written for doctors)

You may well have tried all the following, but I'll paste it in anyway:

Washing (with water, no soap) daily, and taking a leak and washing after masturbation or sex may help, and you could also try Canesten cream or Daktarin cream. Loose fitting cotton underwear may help, and some sites recommend washing underwear with non-biological washing powder or liquid.

If you already tried staying retracted, then I doubt circumcision would help, and personally, I wouldn't want to try it without there being a very good chance that it would work, and even then, I'd be worried that the treatment might be worse than the condition.

If you and your specialists do find something that works, please post to let us know. Good luck!

w84me profile image
w84me in reply to ml66uk

Thank you!I will read through the texts for sure. Maybe I will discuss the new things with my dermathologist when I see her next time.

Canesten is Miconazole and Daktarin is Clotrimazole - maybe I used at least one of these. But ideally the swab test results should have shown anything to use such things.

I don't really remember all the creams I used already. I tried Zinc, Bepanthen +, Akriderm GK and maybe some others. Most of them did not have any effect. While some might have increase the irritation.

I also remember that Pimafucort helped me and Pimafucin did not. Even made it worse.

I also tried washing with only running water (and hygiene has never been an issue for me), and rejecting masturbation or sex. Or on the contrary - masturbating more etc. No effect either :)

I wouldn't say any soap or shower gel contributed to the irritation. It is not itchy or painful. It is just there. Very rarelly I can feel it but not a big deal.

I do not have phimosis as well.

But, to be honest, the mark after the biopsy really bothers me as well. It is shame Contractubex did not remove it completely. And the doctor says it would stay there. It is a small scar of about 3-5mm surrounded by a skin of a more pale tone than the glans skin. Maybe I am just overreacting because it is new for me. But anyway, it is what it is:))

Thanks again!

sorini profile image

Hi. All these creams are turning against you, because they all have chemicals, additives, preservatives. The skin of the glans in men can tolerate very few chemicals for an extremely short time. You persisted in the mistake as we all did here. It took me many years to realize what mistakes I made, with many irresponsible doctors. The skin of the glans is not the bridge of the palm. Look what I think. The structures of the glans skin were affected together with the microbiome and the lipid layer. This lipid layer feeds the microbiome, but he is no more. Damage to the skin together with the imbalance of the microbiome leaves place for the installation of oprotunist bacteria, which are not necessarily very pathogenic but do not allow the place to heal. The problem is very complex and probably never be completely combated, because the balance cannot be achieved. Here's what I think can be done. Stop all creams in pharmacies. Do not wash with chemical soaps, absolutely nothing!!! Absorbs the urine drops so that they do not reach the glans! Do not wash with teas, salt water etc. Ideally if you can get spring water from the mountains, Do not wash excessively, once every 2-3 days only with the highest quality water (but not mineral water with too many minerals). Just rinse the gladiator with water. If is the water quality you don't need to dry it, pull the foreskin over the glans. For two weeks sterilize the glans with betadine solution after the concentration recommended by the Japanese. 1 ml of betadine 10% concentration diluted in 39 ml of quality water. Immerse the glans for 5 minutes in a container, twice a day. 2 ml to about 80 ml of water can be used if there is too little solution. Do not use the same solution twice, prepare a fresh one each time. This concentration recommended by the Japanese has been shown not to cause lysis of human cells. but it has an incredible effect on bacteria. Then try organic wheat germ oil, but from capsules. Drill one and spread a little oil on the glans, not too much, repeat without washing the next day. Wash only on the third day. I also used Terrasil cream and it's good, much better than creams in pharmacies. I will now tell you something about a very advanced product that I honestly did not use Systemic Formula - Derma Colonizer.

CoconutColonel profile image
CoconutColonel in reply to sorini

Are you cured?

fully agree with the cutting statement. I have been seeing more and more papers on Balanitis in the USA as more and more babies are not being cut with fathers who are and never wanted to be so the fatherly knowledge is not all there. Many papers are saying it can be from a hard to kills bacterial infection and anti-biotics seem to do well. My son had it when he was these wo pups' age in Germany and that is what they used, an anti-biotic and in a month or so it was over and he's 33 now and never has had any issues. But thots about it as an immune issue- there probably are multiple avenues of causes and then of course different avenues to attack each cause. WOW_ you have been thru it- good luck!- S

Krkfk profile image


w84me profile image
w84me in reply to Krkfk

It is still pretty much the same.

The 'scar' from the biopsy is still there on the glans. Just a pale tissue on the surface of it. I think only I am concerned about it since it has never been a problem. At least for now. But I still have it in my head that I might be embarrassed if somebody notices it.

Sometimes I think that I should have cut the skin off first:)

The inflammation is also there. I am now combining F99 gel and protopic/tacropic. Even though the long term use of protopic/tacropic is not really good.

I also gave a try to furacin baths now. But it is coming back.

About trying to pull the skin back and holding it - it does not stay 'naked' all day on its own in my case. So I tried buying some special rings from Ali. They kind of holding the skin, yes. But I would not say the effect stays for a very long time. Or maybe I should play with the rings a little longer.

Another observation I had - the inflammation can even come back or get worse from masturbation. But sometimes a good sex does not make it worse. Maybe even better. Not sure what this could be.

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