Everything was going fine in the beginning... not that long ago (about a week ago) I started to exercise was doing ab workouts and ever since then I couldn’t hold an erection. My penis felt like it shrunk itself now (even when I touch it, it doesn’t want to get hard or stick up) my doctor doesn’t seem to care seeing that I’m 18 now. Idk on what to do I feel hopeless.
Got circumcised in July of this year ... - Men's Health Foru...
Got circumcised in July of this year and now I can’t hold an erection (not sure on what to do) I’m only 18

I am confused. You posted 18 days ago about the same issue but not following your abs workout.

It went back to normal for a bit then it went back, now I can’t hold an erection
If it is coming and going then there is no constant problem. You should talk to a doctor to determine the cause of your problem.

The doctor doesn’t seem to care and idk on what to do I sort of force it by stroking it but it doesn’t stay hard (doesn’t reach it’s full potential or last long) I have to touch for it to have some form of an erection but in the end it’s very weak.
Perhaps you need to find a different doctors it may be that your problems have an emotional constituent.
Hey man, just from personal experience I think you may be putting too much pressure on yourself to get an erection. You may be thinking too much about not getting an erection while you are trying to get one which turns you off and stops you from getting one. Kinda like when you can’t sleep because you are thinking too much about going to sleep. If I were you I would stop trying for a couple of days, clear your head, and try again once you are calm and relaxed.
Do you wake up with a strong erection? Sometimes stress can cause this as well as smoking, drinking, being over weight... have you been able to masturbate and ejaculate?
Yes every now and then I wake up with strong erections. I don’t master-bait/ejaculate as much as I used to since the circumcision . But when I do the erection doesn’t feel strong. I sort of have to force it. Before I was circumcised I would just think about it and it’d get hard now it doesn’t. And when does get hard it doesn’t stick. It’s sort of limp (I’m not sure on how to explain it)
Man, that's the best bit of news in all of these replies. If you can wake up with an erection there is absolutely nothing physically wrong I promise. It's psychological- which is not an insult. As sxlp says if you worry you can't get an erection/get to sleep, etc. you won't. With me it was ejaculating after I got circumcised. I convinced myself I couldn't so, of course, I didn't. Eventually I did cum and realised I could, so stopped worrying I couldn't so I did (if that makes sense!) Remember, sex is 90% in the mind, instead of physically stimulating your dick think sexy thoughts and see if he springs to life. But I absolutely guarantee it's not physical so stop worrying about that 👍🏻
A few things to keep in mind. Us guys are not that different from women when it comes to feelings and sex (to some extent). There are some times I am rock hard. There are other times when I'm limp. It is normal to go through various moods and phases; this can be affected by your overall life situation; the women you're with; your excitement levels; what's on your mind; what you've eaten lately; your physical activity level; your unique physical makeup, etc.
Also, I know for a fact that masturbation depletes erections. I don't care what anyone or any article says. I know myself and like clockwork, if I masturbate more than once in a two-week span, I typically have soft erections. If I abstain from masturbation, especially combined with a good pattern of weightlifting/working out, I get back to normal within a few weeks.
Find yourself a hot woman and get rid of masturbation, and you won't be complaining about being limp for long. And also, don't overthink it.