hello, I’m a 26 male, and I’ve got tight foreskin that I should have got checked out a long time ago… it doesn’t hurt to masturbate but my foreskin does not retract over the head of my penis, I’ve been sexually active in the past but used lube and condoms but now getting serious with a girl and she does not want me wearing a condom and she thinks that she is the problem so I need to sort this, I don’t want a circumcision unless absolutely necessary! I wanna try using creams and stretching exercises first, any advice would be appreciated.
best cream for tight foreskin - Men's Health Foru...
best cream for tight foreskin

sounds like the same issue as me, can’t retract because of a tight ring?
I tried resolving mine without surgery for a long time but never got any further forward. Ending up getting circumcised almost 2 weeks ago.
See your gp, they will probably advise cream and stretching (didn’t work for me) then your other option is surgery unless you feel it’s not enough of a problem.
Sounds like BXO. See your GP, circumcision sorts it, had my foreskin removed about 15 years ago. Needs must.
Follow up was interesting, had 2 students check me out! They have to learn some how..
The cream you need is Betamethasone, it's a steroid. It's prescription only but I think you can get it online Good luck, and if you do end up having to have the snip don't worry - wish I'd plucked up the courage years before I did.
i agree w Geordie 1992. I had similar problems but not as young an age as you are experiencing. I tried creams etc. The only solution that worked ultimately was a circumcision.
I have had the same problem for about 2momths now. Every day it feels like my foreskin is getting tighter and smaller
Creams and stretching rarely work after the foreskin has thickened and toughened through puberty. Don't waste time and effort flogging a dead horse for months on end - go straight to the only sure, immediate and guaranteed permanent cure of circumcision.
Creams and stretching can help but it is no quick fix. Plenty of lube will help, but I found I did occasionally pull back whilst inside. The first couple of times it hurt but it did get easier to manipulate over time.
I eventually had a circ' for other reasons but I would suggest you give the creams and stretching a go first.
But best see your Doc' incase there is any other issues.
Good luck.
Betamethazone. Prescription only in UK but I hear it may be available online
Little update, had the circumcision 2 days ago, little bit uncomfortable when the head of the penis rubs against anything but apart from that all good, only concern I have is that I can’t actually see the dissolvable stitches they’ve used but I think that’s just because of the swelling..?