I've had balanitis for about 2 years and for a while I just put up with it, but for the last 6 months I've been actively trying to solve it. Will probably head to the doctor shortly but for some reason I've been trying to fix by myself.
What I've tried/doing so far:
- I only wash with water, no soaps
- I tried clotrimazole anti-fungal cream for a few weeks but it didn't cure it
- I kept my foreskin retracted for a couple weeks which made things a lot better, but didn't completely fix it
- I'm currently applying coconut oil and avoiding masturbation and it's the best it's looked in a while but it's still there.
It's mainly just a pinkish/red patch in the middle of my glands, and then some red dots/splotches towards the bottom. But now it's all looking very pink and much harder to see, but it's still there.
Interested if anyone here has any ideas, especially if you've cured it yourself!